I currently do QA testing for Running With Scissors on this game, especially on Linux. I may share some fixes for it currently.
Fix video cutscenes not playing (Via proton)
The video cutscenes are in .mp4 and can be easily be watched from the game folder, so what's the issue there?
Well, Unreal Engine seems to require the Media Foundation codecs in order to do so, without it, and it will only play the sound of the video.
Currently, Media Foundation codecs has been merged into wine, but I’m uncertain if it has been, in the latest Proton versions. According to issue #1464 https://github.com/ValveSoftware/Proton/issues/1464#issuecomment-710094016 https://github.com/HonkingGoose/proton_codecs_media_support_tracker/blob/main/tables/media_foundation.md_
If you still experience it, do so :
Clone the mf-install GitHub repo
Via git git clone https://github.com/z0z0z/mf-install
Via gh gh repo clone z0z0z/mf-install
Via svn svn checkout https://github.com/z0z0z/mf-install
Or just straight up download the repo and extract it from somewhere on your device.
Then, check where your Postal 4 game is installed, and copy the steamapps folder path.
Open a terminal prompt and do this command :
WINEPREFIX="PASTEYOURLOCATIONTOsteamapps/compatdata/707030/pfx" ./mf-install.sh
Replace obviously the PASTEYOURLOCATIONTOsteamapps
with your steamapps file path.
Let it install its thing, and it should work!
Fix missing sound
I know for that particular one, that can happen to Unreal Engine 4 games in general.
I would suggest this is caused by Epic, dropping voluntary support for older Windows operating systems, has this issue started to appear quite along the time, that some Windows 7 users were reporting the same issue.
Ironically however, The fix for us, GNU/Linux users, is to... change the wine prefix of this game to Windows 7 (Yeah, I don’t know why either).
Install protontricks and input the following command :
protontricks 707030 win7
(Note for those trying this fix for other UE4 games, obviously replace 707030 by the corresponding steam id of your game. Look at your game Steam page URL to found it)
For Gog users running the game via wine, you can do the same with winetricks instead.
Laggy audio with Bluetooth headset
just disconnect & reconnect your headset, lol
No seriously, this fix the issue where the game/pulseaudio doesn’t correctly process the audio coming from it.