My advice is to take your time and read through the documentation linked above. Don't rush / skim through it. That's what caused me issues initially, I was being lazy and wanted to rush to the end.
To get you started, you can skip:
Moving to GetSolus
Which is only relevant if you had set this up prior to the domain change, if you're starting fresh, you are fine.
Requesting A Package
This details how you request a package be added to the repository
Requesting A Package Update
This details how to request someone else update an existing package
Package Inclusion Policy
This details what can be added to the repository
All irrelevant to someone trying to get their head around packaging quickly.
Don't expect to understand everything straight away 100% if you're anything like me, I learn new concepts by seeing and doing not just reading about it... I need to play and usually break it first. It can be hard to see otherwise logical branching points when reading and reading and reading... My eyes glaze over.
Once you get the build system setup and have a rough grasp on the basics, start playing around. Browse https://dev.getsol.us and look at what others have done, how a package build may change over time, how did they know to make that change? Not sure? Read the changelog between versions for hints (software developers can be a pain in the ass and detail nothing so... don't be surprised if it doesn't help). Still don't understand, well you have all the information you need. Use the old package.yml and try build the new version without making the changes they did. See the errors, experiment and best of all google!
Familiarise yourself with phabricator. See how you can compare the history of differentials within a specific update. Look at what changes the team has requested others make to their submission.