Hi everyone,

I'm new to solus, coming from linuxmint and wondering how I could install drivers for my cyberjack card reader. On Reinersct's website you can get rpm/deb packages and the source code for self compiling. I tried to compile but somehow it wont run. Maybe someone else has already managed this?

Have you tried the driver package solus has your reader was in it at one time but looks like it was disable but I couldnt tell if it was ever enabled again but maybe worth a try. https://solus.pkgs.org/rolling/solus-shannon-x86_64/ccid-1.4.32-10-1-x86_64.eopkg.html Here is another https://github.com/sixtyfive/pcsc-ctapi-wrapper not sure if any of these are any help havent messed with any card readers (Just info)

    Axios thanks for your reply, ccid is already installed, but it seems my reader is'nt fully supported.
    So, on to the next step.
    Trying to compile the driver by myself, I get the errors:

    checking for libusb-1.0 >= 1.0.0... no
    checking for libusb < 1.0.0... no
    configure: error:
    *** LibUSB not found, please install the packages libusb and
    *** libusb-devel (or libusb-dev on Debian).

      Peter please install the packages libusb and libusb-devel

      sudo eopkg install libusb libusb-devel

        You could also make a package request

          synth-ruiner you're right, I needed to install the -devel versions of some packages. I finally was able to build+install the driver, now the cardreader is working as it should.
          Another thing would be to build my own eopkg, but for now I don't know how to build the package local yet.

          kyrios someone already did back in 2018, but it get rejected-> https://dev.getsol.us/T6696 🙁
          (Maybe the given reason was a bit weak, because the driver isnt only needed to verfiy the ID online, but also for online banking.)

          I maybe should add that the device also works with the ccid driver mentioned above, but not correct.
          As written on github -> https://ccid.apdu.fr/ccid/shouldwork.html#0x0C4B0x0504 it "should work", but doesn't do really work well. You have to un- and replug the device every time before you're able use it, else you get "No Reader found" error from your banking program.

          I don't know if it would make sense to make new package request, or if I would only pull the anger of the mighty devs on me with this. 😉

            Peter I recommend to look into Solus packaging, even if you just do it for your own usage. It makes updating of packages easier and also allows you to easily remove packages not needed anymore.

            For me the YouTube series Learn Solus Packaging was a good start, complemented by the official Solus Packaging documentation and some help in this forum.

              palto42 Thank you, with the links you wrote I was finally able to build the package! 😄