Harvey Point 6 was a typo. I meant that he criticized the current software center, which is about to be rewritten.
Boiling Steam comparison of Solus and Arch
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That makes more sense.
But his out right dismissal of the project is laughable considering I've been using it for 2 years. An finally ditched windows from my last hold out system because of it. (An yes I've used Arch before, for many years prior).
Everyone is entitled to their own opinion but his criticisms could be summed up with his line:
Also, for all the good things people have to say about Budgie, I don’t find it much more usable than GNOME. Budgie has almost no applets/extensions, and recently introduced “Caffeine Mode” as if it were new, while GNOME has had this applet for just 6 YEARS.
Budgie doesn't need a heap of extensions / applets Solus is about sane defaults. If its important it should be integrated. It's also much younger than gnome so the comparison is invalid. 20 years vs 5.
I'm also not sure he understands that "caffeine mode" isn't just the gnome extension added to budgie, it is its own thing. Budgie doesn't use gnome-shell an thus doesn't use its extensions.
Meh to "reviewers". Like movie reviews, I find them pretty useless. Especially in the case of a free product.
Also thanks to everyone who read it and basically saved me some time.
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When I look at the issue raised for the Japanese text in PDF's it was closed because the user did not reply... And for blender if it requires cuda and cuda license does not allow redistribution (if that's the problem), Solus isn't going to do illegal things...
For the rest, he got some good catches imo but also some bad ones like the changes in the repository URLs (which weren't pleasant for anyone) but that was transparent for the users. Only people like packagers could have been impacted but that category of people must follow the activity of the distribution, you can't just package things on your own without worrying about stack upgrades, activity on the unstable branch, etc.
He posted this on r/linux and responds to comments so you could respond directly to the author there. Some of his criticisms are valid in that it's a small-ish new project compared to Arch but some are wrong, eg. waiting a package, he seemed to miss that Solus is curated vs Arch being bleeding edge. At the end he wasn't entirely critical of Solus really. I thought it was stupid that he said Arch is hit and miss with games compared to Ubuntu though but then didn't mention Solus, if it will run on Ubuntu it'll most certainly work on Solus and probably better as it will have newer drivers.
Kyrios if that's the case with cuda license for Blender then does that mean all Linux distributions have the same problem? I only occasionally use Blender so didn't know there was anything different between say Windows and Linux.
Reg digikam https://dev.getsol.us/D5534 yea sorry that we try not to push broken stuff to the users
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The comments are gold
Manjaro isn’t quite as bleeding edge as arch because they take the time to test updates before pushing them to users.
As a rule of thumb, if you want convenience more often than not you need to sacrifice freedom. Solus was built with convenience in mind while Arch is designed for freedom.
Gnome is much older compared to Budgie and it also has more developers.
You don't have a cool sidebar that's integrated with your favorite music player in Gnome. The last point is a checkmate IMO.
I have broken many distro installs, too much spare time! The AUR is a rich repository. That being said I nuked a Manjaro install last week due to a painfully slow resume on a lenovo which was an ongoing problem. Speed matters and Solus kicks A$$!