Hi, everyone! I wanted to make a quick post about shutdown option on the Budgie desktop. And I am sorry if this was already mentioned somewhere in previous posts, I didn't find anything this specific tbh.. 🙂
Wouldn't it be great if pressing the shutdown button would give a timer of like 30seconds in which it would automatically poweroff , while also having a regular option to just press the "Shutdown" and make it instant.
I am talking here for everyone that needs that "extra" monitor light,in the dark room, to get off the chair, put their headphones away , walk to the bed,light switch,etc.. Making us to be careful not to trip on something in the dark. 🙂
I am just wondering if this can/has already been done, in that matter I tried shutdown command but couldn't find a right way to make it shutdown in 30s or so because I had to write the exact time for it to happen ["hh:mm"] . If there is a command that can execute the shutdown sequence in 30 sec or so, I guess we could make an .sh script for it, right?