In Plasma:

  • check default window border size and set it to smth different from No Borders or No Side Borders thru System Settings > Application Style > Window Decorations

  • margin size between text and window borders in Konsole is set thru Edit Current Profile... > Appearance > Miscellaneous > Terminal contents > Margins and may have any value from 0 to 99px

Gnome doesn't have such a fine tuning controls. It probably depends on application theme and monospaced font in use. Try to change them to smth else. I use PRO-Dark-GTK theme and Pragmata Pro Mono font; terminal text is reasonably distanced from window borders, for me:

Thank you guys for your super cool input but currently I'm giving Gnome a good try and would be fine to know how to fix that as it makes things weird when you snap a terminal window to left of screen, makes it look like things are cutted and unbalanced.
fixing this will make more people feel better not just me.
Plasma is cool but gnome, budgie and other GTK based DE using Gnome Terminal deserve that lifting.

Thanks !

    Gnome terminal gnome-terminal is quite... rigid and is not highly customizable.

    As @synth-ruiner said, use kitty instead. It is configurable up to... insane limits. Or without limits at all.

    Kitty below has huge border margins, giant padding from borders to text, background image (it's not a fully transparent terminal window, it's an image inside the terminal), the font which Gnome terminal doesn't see and cannot use. Can't remember all settings that I changed in Kitty and which simply don't exist in Gnome terminal.

    Set everything to your liking in Kitty:

    unclemez I had a look at the documentation and couldn't find anything about setting padding. you could always request that feature from the Gnome developers or something.

    I agree that a bit of padding makes it looks a lot nicer, but I think we're in the minority so I'm happy to make that tweak myself 🙂

    I added to ~/.config/gtk-3.0/gtk.css

    vte-terminal {
    padding: 10px 10px 10px 10px;
    -VteTerminal-inner-border: 10px 10px 10px 10px;


      pomon I added to /.config/gtk-3.0/gtk.css...

      Cool! Thanks!

      Yea no. We have to patch enough with GNOME Terminal just so people can have transparency, I'm not going to add arbitrary padding. People are welcome to file a feature request upstream with the GNOME Terminal developers though.

        JoshStrobl thanks and I'm happy now ... back to Plasma and Gnome only for other purposes on another PC