Distrowatch Review of Solus 4
another review https://www.dedoimedo.com/computers/solus-4-budgie.html
iirc this guy is usually pretty negative so so 8/10 is pretty damn good
Yeah, and a thing or two he mentions simply isn't so. But all in all, it's a positive review.
- Edited
Toggling the dark theme off wasn't enough, I also had to change the widget theme to Pluma-Light or better yet Pluma. This can be more streamlined.
Isn't Pluma the MATE text editor?
I noticed there was a GRUB menu, controlled by Solus. So if I'm not mistaken, the dev team must have chosen to abandon the custom bootloader setup and just go with what pretty much 100% of Linux distros use, and this sure is a better, more streamlined option.
What custom bootloader? It's systemd-boot. Not a "custom bootloader setup".
Unfortunately not much we can do on that front beside just not providing any YELP-based documentation to begin with, but then you'd just get errors if you click on the Help menu items for applications, and we'd have to patch every single one. I guarantee you upstream GNOME would reject documentation improvements that document how do you do x, y, and z under Budgie since they just care about GNOME Shell.
It surprises me that there isn't a more modular set of documentation for distros to call on and only use specific components of depending on the software installed on their distros. Something to add to my far-future projects list, though I'm a bit busy with my uni workload atm xD. It's an interesting point though, because with how much Linux distros share components, it's surprising that you don't also have an easier way to share documentation.
@Fatih19 Deleted your comments. Don't bring politics into this.
another review. seems to be in german https://www.heise.de/ct/artikel/Allround-Linux-Solus-4-4405245.html
Review of Solus, but it was before the release of version 4. Version in Portuguese on the largest site on linux latin america
Review of solus 4 after the release of Budgie 11
another review https://www.cmscritic.com/solus-review-budgie-edition/
To be fair to other distributions, I'm giving Solus a 4/5 but this is mostly due to the size of the software repositories which are still quite small compared with other distros. While I don't consider this an issue for most people, including myself, I do think we need to see an increase before it's the Perfect distro. I will say, however, that it's pretty damn close.
Due to the fact that Solus was developed from scratch, the repositories are nowhere near as large as they are on other systems such as Ubuntu and Arch but to be honest, I found everything I needed and was quite impressed to see that there was nothing I felt I was lacking.
Lucien_Lachance So says they're too small but found everything they needed.
Nice review ! I do agree about the black Plata theme, but it's easy to modify. Would be nice for newcomers to get a light theme or something not as dark though !