Emperor To put it into perspective: C(W10); N(don't know, but probably W10 shit); D(my photos and documents-the main information); E(downloads, Lightroom catalog...it's one partition for the entire drive-I added the new HDD it much later than my first HDD)...
I don't know much about Linux, but I don't want W10...I will leave the PC to my dad after 2-3 years and I don't want him to use W10...I think of Linux Mint, but I don't want Ubuntu repositories for privacy reasons and because they are bloated...that leaves me with PureOS, but I don't want GNOME...that leaves me with Manjaro, but it's more complexed...so I am at Solus 🙂 but it really looks like it is not gonna be that easy...
I don't want /home partition, I will use both HDD's files and open them with both Solus and W10-which I heard can cause some damage, especially after I am going to use different programs...in the end I don't really know what to do, but I prefer to jump into it and leave W10...