Still 32G is used according to df -h . I removed what I could, but left LibreOffice and Free Office, plus Firefox and Chrome. Those are the heavyweights, I think. What else has so much weight?

    Well I expect you want it, but you could say the X-Window system has a very heavy footprint too. That'd be my guess for the next one. Followed by the windowing system (Budgie/Cinnmon/Plasma). I can't think of anything else that's awfully heavy, maybe the kernel and it's modules as a collection? But again, pretty strictly necessary.

      XerXes Agree every single word except I've always known this OS to have a vison, or ethos, so go with it. It's a no frills install.

      Personally i would like to have a "Alternative Downloads" section to get access to a minimal install iso, its a nice thing to have... i don't know if it's hard to maintain or something...

      Would be nice to an i3 user to have a feature like that. Would be nice to a KDE Plasma tester, just download a netinstall with the proper integrity check and install, instead of using testing isos without a integrity check.

      Also, besides we can consider this a "technical preciosity": less packages = less vulnerabilities to be explored.

      I really like Solus, it's an independent distro focused on the desktop... no companies getting in the way, no mix of interests... but i must confess that i feel like sometimes Solus overprotect the user... i feel like, if that decision of do not produce a netinstall iso is based on pragmatism, than it's fine, but if its based on protecting a certain philosophy, then it's an exaggeration.

      Obs: i also agree that for the average user an "out of the box" mindset is better, so, if a netinstall is hard to maintain, maybe the best decision is to extend this idea to future, when probably Solus will have more man work... i agree it's not an necessary thing.

      Obs2: I really hope that the new Solus package manager will solve this "orphan packages" problems in the proper way, without harming the average user.

      In the end, i think we should trust Solus leaders. They should know how much Solus can handle "non-essential" stuff, and how much that could hurt or take out the focus of the project or not. For now, for normal installations i keep my eyes on Solus, for minimal ones i keep my eyes on Void Linux or maybe Debian.

        Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
        /dev/sda2        55G  8.4G   44G  17% /

        That includes my home directory. 8.4GB. I removed LibreOffice as I don't really use it but I agree with it being in the default install.

        Any easy (and dangerous) way to remove the DE is to remove the toolkit it's built on. You'll have a pretty minimal install after that.

        Justin , well right off the bat, I forgot about my VMs - that's 10G right there. Then some left over config dotfiles from several games I have uninstalled a while ago. No more mystery. Case closed, ha!

        Yes virtual machines add it up pretty darn fast...but they're so cute and so useful...sigh.

        elfprince I install Solus on 12Gb virtual machines to make tests without any space issues. The used space depends on what you do and nobody else than you can tell that.

        [deleted] I mainly use web based options for office applications. I have Office 365 from my work and at home I use Google Docs a lot.

        About a week late to this conversation but I also would love a minimum install version. I understand Solus aims to provide sane defaults and for users new to Linux that is great and there is a great selection. However for people who have been using Linux for over a decade, there are packages we already use (either for familiarity or preference) instead of some of these defaults and there are choices made that we would never make. Yes I can just remove these as always said in these discussions but personally I would rather build up than strip down. A minimal install would be for more advanced users who choose to use Solus instead of say Arch or Gentoo.

        Anyway, I also understand that Solus does not have as much manpower and maybe if that grew this might change so I'm not suggesting it should be done immediately. But I did want to give further reasons for why this is requested and show there are a few users who would like this.

        Justin I believe they would love a bare system, with just the X, Network Manager and wifi drivers. Then they would install things of their choice. :-)

          @[deleted] And what about networking? Clearly we shouldn't assume someone has network connectivity instead of just installing it from a USB they had delivered from a pidgin, so clearly we shouldn't have NetworkManager too!

          Yep Josh, obviously people would want to be secure and isolated from the nasty porn-filled internet, so yep, no network 🙂
          We can go back to token-pigeon, where we only transmit when the watchful pigeon is in the window once a day.