[deleted] That's not the point and I don't look at it from my perspective alone.
People are moving to Solus from other distros or Windows, because it has a certain good reputation. And that reputation could be improved by having a base minimal install.
I can give you an example:
- User is moving from Windows 10.
- He doesn't want Firefox or Thunderbird or Gnome MPV or Rhythmbox or Libreoffice and many other things
- He wants Chrome/Opera, Kodi, Geary, and many other things.
- Updating the system is pointless after installing, because he will only be smashing Solus servers, wasting bandwidth and time updating software he doesn't need.
- So first he has to remove stuff he doesn't like, which will waste time, he will then want to remove dependencies, which will waste time even more and he could potentially brick the system while doing it.
- Then he installs software he needs.
- Update the rest of the system
- ???
Instead of:
- Install base system
- Immediately upgrade to newest packages
- Install only the software he likes/needs
- All set in 10 minutes as opposed to 40.
- Reputation of Solus as both casual and advanced user friendly distro is increased.
- Ubuntu provides minimal install. Is Solus worse than Ubuntu?