putzerstammer i watched you at the last hackfest for a few hours you are doing a really good job even if i don't know much about Open SSL, you could see how much heart and soul you put into the object, thank you very much
WhiteWolf I know you don't give dates for releases/updates etc. but I have a question, how do you decide when a kernel upgrade is good? Like when will you push kernel 5.7 into Solus stable? How do you decide if it's good enough? Just asking because there is one improvement with I need but I don't want to install anything unstable on one of my prod systems and I'm wondering how long will I wait for it, like 2 months 3 month? That kind of answer would be really helpful.
Harvey WhiteWolf History has shown that moving from one major release to another such as 5.6.x to 5.7.x tends to be minefield of network driver issues and the worst one I remember, file system corruption bugs. So it is whenever they feel confident in the branches stability. It will not come this week that much is for sure. Unless there is a reason not to I would assume DataDrake would give it a shot next week given that 5.6.x has reached EOL now with 5.6.19. An pretty sure he mentioned on stream today he did not want to upgrade kernels this week given the amount big changes pending for this week's sync already: https://getsol.us/2020/07/01/usysconf-rewrite-and-major-upgrades-roundup-16/
Brucehankins How do you decide when it becomes a new point release for Solus? It seems like other distributions would have a point release for a third of the upgrades and fixes that the Solus team will be implementing in the next sync. Thank you for all the hard work, it is much appreciated!
Harvey Brucehankins They set goals internally, once they're completed. The ISO's are created and testing begins. Current blockers for 4.2: https://dev.getsol.us/T8629
Lucien_Lachance just updated everything seems to work just fine thanks for another eventless (for the user) upgrade ๐
henkesteen Ohh, that's a long list, nice work guys! I will wait until the workday is over hehe, just to be on the safe side Edit: Could not wait, everything works! Thanks!
viyoriya JoshStrobl All good except this warning. Not removing conflicted file : /usr/include/openssl/* and openssl related man/ pages. Can I delete /usr/include/openssl/ manually?
JoshStrobl viyoriya Don't delete any of it. As I indicated in the blog post: You will see warnings from eopkg about several files being migrated between the different OpenSSL series (namely man pages and cert files), thatโs nothing to worry about and you can keep on your merry way! The ownership of those files are being moved during the upgrade from openssl to openssl-11.
LukMas Almost all ok, except that at the reboot the system decided to choose the LTS kernel, that it's not working since the last update (I've a Dell xps 9560). So I've had to set again the current kernel (that sometimes plays not so nice with with my Dell). After the kernel update it looks that it works.
LukMas Ok, it keeps selected the lts kernel. I can choose the current one, but if I don't start with the kernel list it goes always with the lts version. I've tried to select it and report it as working with clr-boot-manager, but it ignores the settings. Could it be that I miss something or there's a problem somewhere?
JoshStrobl Locking this since the topic is no longer relevant with the sync being done. There are other topics regarding the clr-boot-manager, issues specific to the sync (as well as successful sync info) can go to https://discuss.getsol.us/d/5036-solus-03-07-2020-sync-report/