Looks neat. Since I received permission errors when running the Solus build script I created a PR to fix them. Still getting one last error cp: cannot create regular file '/usr/local/bin/thomasfm': No such file or directory but it's already 2:15 AM here and I have to go to bed 😃

    Staudey could you check /usr/local/bin/ exists ? this file is for accessing fm from dmenu or from terminal.
    Still you can see thomasfm in application menu. Thanks for the patch 😀 .

      viyoriya Nope, I have no /usr/local/bin folder in my Solus installation. Starting from the (Budgie) menu works fine though. I already played around with it yesterday before finally going to bed. Great work and already surprisingly full-featured.

        I am sad the second (tan) option is no longer named fm 'gruvbox'--I thought that was the coolest software name I've heard in months.
        Will this have an option for up/down arrows to show folder content?
        p.s.--I enjoy your creativity

          Staudey Yeah the script will need to have a mkdir -p /usr/local/bin in the script (or at least a check for it first).

            brent Its a gruvbox theme 😀 . No it doesn't have that option 🤣 and Thanks.

            It looks nice, missing a lot of functionality as to be expected when in an experimental stage, Hope to see future progress and some more basic features added, like resizing the window

              DrunkenAlcoholic yes missing a loads of futures and there are limitation in java & javafx.

              I made it not resizable so just iconify and close buttons now. Its a simple file manager 😀 .

              18 days later