I know this sounds harsh but bear with me. First off, I think Solus is an excellent distribution, and have been using Solus MATE as my base system for about the last 9 months with almost no problems.
The other day I decided to switch distros and reformat the hard drive on my base system and I tried installing a few linuxes, but they all gave me problems, so I decided to go back to Solus, only this time I went for the Budgie desktop instead of MATE.
It looked good at first - very slick, nice menus, etc, but when I started to use it in anger, (and I'm a heavy user), the problems started to occur. I'm a coder, and I do all my coding and most other work in VMs. Even running 1 Windows 10 VM seemed to slow down the UI drastically compared to MATE, it would regularly freeze for several seconds. Ok I can learn to live with this, but then other things started to bug me too. If I right-clicked an icon in the task bar no menu would show up. Also the start menu does not contain options for locking the screen or suspending - I have to click on an icon in the task bar - this seems completely odd. Not only that, the taskbar icons often just don't respond when I click on them.
In short, Budgie is very unresponsive and slow. It has promise, but there are a LOT of bugs to iron out. I'm about to install Solus 2020 MATE and have no doubt that it will be brilliant, but Budgie is a pain. Please consider making MATE your default desktop until Budgie is production-ready.