I know that Solus is not a Debian based distro, thus does not support .deb and use eopkg instead of dpkg, but I'm not an advanced Linux user so it's such a deal breaker to not have some easy way for installing not so common but also not so rare programs, like GeoGebra, pretty popular, I manage to use it by extracting the "data" file but is so annoying.

Going to the main point, as the title says, I need to use MCUXpresso for debugging NXP microcontrollers, of course, .deb.bin file, after I use chmod +x command, running it, problems began, first of all, the "Licence agreement" doesn't show up because it uses an "install.sh" file which runs the whiptail command to run a licence.txt, so the install cancel and the decompressed folder in /temp/ it's deleted, after a while without going into many details, I realised that copying the temp folder to the desktop and modifying the install.sh file to delete the licence agreement confirmation step solved the initial problem. But now the .sh file runs the dpkg command to install the two .deb files stored in the decompressed folder.

EDIT by moderator: Removed vulgarity.