This week-end I tested several distros on my laptop, from Ubuntu to Pop OS passing by Elementary. To made myself clear, I came back quickly to Solus ... BUT there's something "minimal" that I love on boot especially on Ubuntu's one : this pure black and white splash screen 🤩

I know that the blue is a part of Solus identity but could it be concevable de tenter un boot logo B&W one day ? With my proud new Inkscape 1.0 I made this :

" Absolutely no " or " Why not " ? 😛

Best regards,

DansLeRuSH Having a solid state drive on my system, my laptop boots up to the Solus login screen in like 15-20 seconds. Adding a splash screen to that would only increase that time, and since I don't spend any productive time during booting up, I'm happy to have no splash screen. I suppose it's a trade off, do I want something as efficient as possible or something that looks nice, but not as efficient. Don't get me wrong though, I think your splash screen idea looks beautiful, but for the devs to incorporate something like this into the distro isn't a top priority (simply put it's cosmetic only), but more importantly it would take time to create this and make it work for users when that time could be spent on the new installer, or upgrading new gnome/kde/mate stacks, or work on Budgie 11, etc. Anyhow, keep up the great Inkscape skills btw!

    laky You use Solus without Budgie !? 😱 Joke aside, it could be an idea ...

    Scotty-Trees ... but yes, only for "long boot" machines (and thank you 🤗)

    PS : And so sorry, by :

    I know that the blue is a part of Solus identity but could it be concevable de tenter un boot logo B&W one day ?

    I meant :

    I know that the blue is a part of Solus identity but could it be conceivable to try a boot logo B&W one day ?

    I'm a little tired, I'm starting to mix languages 😅

    I'm neither strongly for nor against this, but I know that the core team has decided against a boot loader in the past. Can't remember the reasons though.

      DansLeRuSH PS : You can also say " Go home you're drunk " but I'm already at home

      Drunk is so under-rated [mutters under breath]. Was that out loud?
      I love your work, just the bootloader thing.
      But whose to say you can not have the graphic emulate loading?
      Or convert/cross it over into a plymouth-type deal with all the boot processes being described over the logo. I miss that in Solus?
      Don't abandon the project, it's cool.

        Splash screens tend to add to boot time. This has been discussed maaaany times. Once Linux has a boot screen system that doesn't add significant time to the boot duration I think it would certainly be considered.

          Staudey & Justin I get it, not having a splash screen isn't a big lack neither. It's mostly because of Ubuntu's one that gave me the idea of a simpler graphic charter for Solus (and probably also that I'm not a huge fan of blue) 😅

          brent And a huge thank you for your support ! 😃

          Not knowing what to do with, I put all the files in my GitLab ... please do what you want with it ! 🖖😛

            DansLeRuSH Oh don't get me wrong I want a splash screen too, I just want to ensure that nobody is impacted for boot times.

            I'm lucky enough to have new very fast hardware so it doesn't impact me but I see the value in it for sure.

            • [deleted]

            I love the idea, would be nice to see a laptop with that Solus logo instead of this logo

            Does this boot Flicker Free Boot process using firmware increase much the boot time? I am just saying because branding is important and also first impressions, call me stupid but I would love to see the ship every time I turn on my laptop.

              For me, the boot time for my laptop from a cold start to logging in is 2-3 seconds and that's with the bios icon showing up. I can't see a boot screen to be very useful on that computer since I would hardly see it. My desktop takes a bit longer but the monitor turning on removes me even seeing it booting up. If solus took as long as windows to boot, then a screen would be a good thing but I don't really feel like it's needed.
              However, your screen looks great for a kde loading screen after logging in. KDE likes to take a few seconds to get to my desktop anyway so I think it would be better used for that.

              • [deleted]

              DataDrake You are absolutely right, I made a couple of tests yesterday and it's true adds several seconds to boot

              Yes I thinked about this because I haven't SSD disks and then I have the time to see boot sequences. And pure technical question : is it possible to define the type of disk at boot time (SSD or not) and to put a splashscreen in which case ? 🤔