8x8 is a pretty big telecom firm who has been around for a while. Good products/services. I hope they keep good stewardship of Meet going forward, and continue to expand it and keep things open. No pulling a MapBox 😐
Yeah, the live transcription has been a huge help, especially when combined with video and the SILK audio codec. All of that combines to make for as good an environment as possible for her word recognition. And if she misses something, she's got the transcript 🙂
It would be great if it handled mixed-language conversations better. It can get confused when we switch between languages.
However, if you are on a call with other people who speak different languages, you can set up the live transcription to be appropriate for the from/to, so that both parties get the transcription from the other's spoken language to their own written language. This has been really cool for international collaboration.
Anyway, enjoy Jitsi! It's my favorite video conferencing platform in general, my specific accessibility use-cases aside.