I've been low-key following Linux communities since I was a kid in primary school(so about 9-10 years), and tried out random distros(Ubuntu, Linux Mint, Fedora, Zorin OS) at various times throughout the years. I think the longest I had previously committed to a Linux distro was about a month before I switched back to Windows, because I was very much reliant on Windows software back then.
I've only switched full-time to Linux a couple months ago, because I realised that there's actually no software that I'll miss from Windows at this point. I still have Windows 10 on my gaming PC, but a surprising amount of my games library (of around 1000 games) works on Linux now. I also don't play games much anymore anyway. When I switched to Solus a couple months ago, I was surprised to see that I genuinely couldn't think of any software that I'll miss from Windows anymore for my main workstation. The only thing I almost missed was Microsoft Office, but then I started learning to use LaTeX and now have a love for it.
Now I honestly don't think I could ever go back to Windows. Solus is beautiful and it's stable. I also find that as a software engineering student, my workflow has improved considerably since making the switch. I do pretty much all my work in the terminal now, and I love doing so.
I still think there's some work to do on making Linux distros a little more accessible to people who aren't developers, but since I'm currently learning to become a developer myself; hopefully I can help contribute to that work in the coming years 🙂.