Justin They are different!
Full Install:
Device-1: AMD Ellesmere [Radeon RX 470/480/570/570X/580/580X/590]
driver: N/A
Display: x11 server: X.Org 1.20.6 driver: ati,vesa
unloaded: fbdev,modesetting,radeon resolution: 1920x1080~N/A
OpenGL: renderer: llvmpipe (LLVM 9.0.0 128 bits) v: 3.3 Mesa 19.3.3
Live USB:
Device-1: AMD Ellesmere [Radeon RX 470/480/570/570X/580/580X/590]
driver: amdgpu
Display: x11 server: X.Org 1.20.6 driver: amdgpu,ati
unloaded: fbdev,modesetting,radeon resolution: 1920x1080~N/A
OpenGL: renderer: Radeon RX580 Series (POLARIS10 DRM 3.35.0
5.4.12-144.current LLVM 9.0.0
v: 4.5 Mesa 19.3.2
So, I do have to enter nomodeset
before quiet splash
in grub before it'll boot. Otherwise, the screen will go black (and say no signal). When that happens, I have to hit CTRL + ALT + F2
to get into tty.
What's weird is, when I booted off the Live USB it worked fine -- and it continued to work fine when I exited the Live USB and went into the full install! A reboot of the full install brings the problem right back.