Hello, I use Manjaro for a while and looking for change.
I installed Solus Gnome in gnome-boxes and find out there is bloatware, again, in gnome dash. How to remove those 20 or so icons what target gnome settings?

    VoDo find out there is bloatware

    It isn't bloatware, they're desktop entries for locations in GNOME Control Center. You're welcome to try using a menu editor to hide them.

    Thank you. Where is the menu editor? What is the package name? If I hide them will they appear after the next update? In my eyes it is no necessary to have those 22 icons there while gnome settings has all the stuff.

      VoDo There's a neat feature in the Software Center called search, I see 4 menu editors.

      I had to laugh at the Over Dramatic tag. seems quite necessary for the forum at the moment 😂