Yes, I can confirm this. On my Thinkpad X240 I have the same issue.
But, on my Thinkpad it is a clean Plasma install from the iso.

    cdorin A clean install is always better because I don't know if you really pulled in all needed packages

    thosol after you changed the settings and saved them, can you check please .config/touchpadxlibinputrc if your touchpad gets mentioned? if not it's a KDE or libinput issue and nothing I can do really

      I take a look at the file. Everything looks fine. After a reboot settings are still correct.
      Maybe the settings were reset with the yesterday update.
      I will observe this in then next days.

        thosol Nothing in / is ever touched during an update.

        Girtablulu I understand - though I must say that I haven't had any big issues so far.

        I also confirm what thosol said - the last update solved the issue 🙂

        a month later

        Hello - I am sorry for reopening this (it's related to the initial problem). From time to time I am losing (still) the default settings as described above. This seems to happen only and only when I perform the Friday sync.

        E.g. Was reading an article, tap to click was working, and the update was running in the background. At some point, tap to click stopped working (I think it was during " [✓] Syncing filesystems" process).

        Does anybody else have this issue? @thosol , can you confirm if the same happens to you as well?

          cdorin weird shouldn't happen.
          but go to the folder 'usr/share/xdg' and remove the file 'touchpadxlibinputrc' with this no defaults should be loaded.
          after this go to your '$HOME/.config' and remove this file as well and reset your touchpad config

          4 days later

          Thanks, will do so. Will keep you updated after next Friday Sync.

          7 days later

          Hello @Girtablulu ,

          I confirm that the issue still exists - latest Solus OS (clean installation).
          Device: AlpsPS2/2 ALPS GlidePoint

          Is there any info I need to provide? From what I understand, not everyone has this issue.

          LE: it seems that is not happening under all circumstances - some packages need to get updated for it to happen. I will take another look at next Friday sync. Though it happened today when I updated the Plasma that comes with iso to the latest version.

          Update: performed the Friday sync. The issue still persists.

            cdorin so remove everything from the files and retry, if this still an issue it would be an upstream issue

              10 days later

              Ok, couldn't reproduce the issue anymore. One of the next updates solves the issue (you will have this problem once till you update the shipped plasma from the iso). The topic can be closed/marked as solved.

              Just wanted to confirm that this update resolved this longstanding issue for me on my funky synaptics trackpad for my HP laptop. Great job everyone!

              2 months later


              Sorry to revive this thread.

              I've been having the same issue as OP. Just been going by changing an unused touchpad setting on then off to enable 'apply' button, press apply and settings return.

              Today however defaults were imposed twice. Once during a program install, and once during update both via software centre.

              I'm fully updated but it's still happening. Did anyone do anything specific to make the issue go away?

              Advance thanks all

              The same thing happens on my system every week when I do an update: the touchpad settings are reset.

              In my case, this includes:

              • turning off tap-to-click
              • re-enabling the trackpoint (that I had turned off with xinput set-prop "AlpsPS/2 ALPS DualPoint Stick" "Device Enabled" 0).

              (Have not attempted an update today yet.)

              Thanks for letting us know, Justin.