I'm writing a simulation in which designs from one list are printed, one-at-a-time, and then moved into another list for finished designs. I'd like to simulate the "printing" part by pausing the program briefly as each design is processed. Otherwise, the program would finish in a few milliseconds, which isn't very realistic.
So, I'm looking for a Python function like pause() or delay() that will allow me to pause execution for a second or two, and then continue. I've searched indices in my 1,300-page Python Standard Library by Example book, and a couple of others, with no joy. There's wait(), but that's in the context of multi-threading, and I can't think of a way to make that work for this purpose.
Can any Python expert here suggest a function I can use? I really don't want to have to write a function to use a timer to do this, if I don't have to.