Tonight is the first week of two with the Big Daddy Linux Live community discussing Solus 4.1.
Would love to see y'all there.

WetGeek The Distro Challenge is Solus 4.1, including all versions.
They will probably focus on Plasma since it is the new official release.
I personally use Budgie, have Plasma installed on a Laptop and Testing PC, and have Mate installed on Gnome Boxes.
The only Solus DE I have not tried is Gnome.

    MintSpider The only Solus DE I have not tried is Gnome.

    Same here. I've temporarily installed it out of curiosity, but I just can't love it like Budgie.

    • n2o likes this.


    Great experience, IMHO. Generally very positive towards Budgie. Trying to keep up with the chat at the same time was like trying to drink from a fire hose! Can't wait 'til next week, when everyone says they'll have spent more time with Solus.

      WetGeek Hopefully those that had install issues will have that resolved this coming week. Unfortunately I shall not be available next Saturday. My wife is dragging me out to a party!!!

        MintSpider My wife is dragging me out to a party

        You have my condolences! By the way, I needed to create a channel quickly tonight, so I used my alter ego. Instead of WetGeek, I was there as Jerry Houston. Someone was concerned that Solus requires 6 chars for a password, but in the chat I pointed out that shorter passwords can be created using the passwd command from a teminal. I had to do that for my non-technical wife.

        MintSpider It was an honest mistake. I thought I 'undid' it but I guess not. Gave it a thumbs up to make it totally confusing 😅 I'll be more careful when hovering over the 'react' icon in the future.

          ryzee Did wonder. Thanks mate.
          Show is over, but should now be available to watch on YouTube.

          6 days later

          Today, Saturday 8th February 2020, Big Daddy Linux Live shall have 2 shows.
          8:00pm United Kingdom for the European Show (little bit of an irony in there). [BTW, 3:00pm Eastern USA]
          8:00pm Eastern USA for the regular show, where Solus 4.1 shall continue to be reviewed.
          Please feel free to join either show.
          Unfortunately I shall not make the regular show today, but shall be watching afterwards.