I would definitely introduce FOSS and it's philosophy into your text; as compared to closed architecture systems (the other 2) and what it means. Maybe re-word it or change it in first 'graf to reflect this.
Sell the security (you kind of do)--Wall St. depends on linux as does parts of the W.H/Fedgov.
One sentence somewhere for provenance reasons?: Tovalds/alternate OS/Richard as origin?
Sell near end the FREE part: no more buying word processing suites, graphics programs, etc etc.
I like the questions prefacing the sections. And the anecdotes. Bullet point or indent them then start answers under them (optics).
Maybe a simple positive computer graphic at top/
Two cents if it's worth anything. I'm trying to approach this flyer like someone curious about changing and excited about opportunity. The problem with anything like this is anticipating a specific demographic to write to--I don't even know what it is.
But rock on. It's a good thing you are doing for the community.
edit: another idea: maybe one sentence inviting linux-experienced users to be part of this, too.