Hi everyone,
I have switched my PCs to Solus which I love and have been trying to setup VNC and tried both tigerVNC and X11VNC and even TeamViewer and when I tried remoting in the screen flickers.
Because I have Intel Graphics I checked the kernel and found it's current version so I installed the LTS kernel and follow the link[(https://getsol.us/articles/troubleshooting/boot-management/en/)] to switch the Kernel to see if that will prevent the screen flickering, however, after rebooting my PC both Kernels aren't botting up and I just get a black screen, hopefully, there's a way to fix that.
I tried ctrl+alt+F3 to tried going into the command line, but no luck, I just get a flash of the login and nothing more.
I have Intel Core i7-4770 CPU with Intel HD Graphics 4600.
Thank you in advance.