Solus is great but let's all do something about its wallpapers, please.
Let's make a contest or something like that and find good designers to make some good Solus wallpapers, it is the only thing missing in Solus, a brand not only in a logo and name but also a color and some good wallpapers that we don't want to change as soon as the installation is done.

some good Solus wallpapers, it is the only thing missing in Solus

That's entirely subjective and something I disagree with.

some good wallpapers that we don't want to change as soon as the installation is done

I've been around long enough to see months old and 1yr+ old installations with the same background that was shipped with that image.

Regardless, we have an artwork repository that people can submit artwork to. I don't want any that have Solus or Budgie branding on them (I find it to be kinda tacky, to be honest). In terms of a contest, not really sure what you have in mind, but in my opinion:

  1. We are not exactly in a position to reward people.
  2. I don't think it's really necessary to have a contest when we already have plenty of submissions from people before releases. Typically they reach out via IRC to me personally.
  3. My criteria for accepted artwork varies based on our existing selection and the Solus release.
  4. I actively keep an eye out for good images to use as wallpapers from sources like Unsplash.

    The wallpapers wouldn't have to have the logo on them, the contest winners would only get their wallpapers added to the distro as default wallpapers, i also am a Unsplash user, it is a good source of photos but i was thinking of something more like abstract digital designs that would be made specially for Solus.
    And yes of course it is my point of view and it is totally subjective, i do a lot of distro hopping and i always come back to Solus because it is awesome but the default wallpapers always remind me of the part that could be improved, a thing that i never think of when i try other distros.

      bluvisnu Meanwhile I'm the complete opposite, I don't necessarily desire a bunch of abstract, texture, or pattern wallpapers. Guess it's just a difference in taste 🙂

      bluvisnu You're missing the point. We don't need contests because we add in wallpapers when people submit them to us and we add them to the artwork package. In fact, I can't remember turning down a user submission.

      alright, i just shared my thoughts, great work.

      So Unsplash is the place where you use any picture for free?

        abdulocracy Thanks! This was taken in Tullamore, County Offaly, Ireland when my wife and I visited in October 2018.
        This was part of my Solus pilgrimage, since this bridge was featured in the Solus ISO a couple of years ago.
        We had the high privilege of meeting the photographer and his wife while we were there. Great people.

        • [deleted]

        • Edited

        Solarmass I use wallhaven too, but I think the licensing would get too messy if you were to take a wallpaper for a distro. There's a lot of wallpapers there that have circulated on various dumps on imgur etc.

        Yes Solarmass. The first one is perfect.

        JoshStrobl Regardless, we have an artwork repository that people can submit artwork to.

        Sorry for always nitpicking things, but...

        Any chance some of those files could be renamed? AerialDesert.jpg is a great name. IMG_9710.png really is not.

          Sarno The filenames are irrelevant as they're not displayed to user in the wallpaper selectors.

          I think the current selection of wallpapers is more than enough. I would imagine 90-95% of users would change their wallpaper shortly after installing anyway. The selection that is provided is purely there to be the default/small selection.

          My /usr/share/backgrounds folder is already nearly 100MB. It's already a bit big IMHO. I do think some of those may have come from Plasma though.

          The only time my wallpaper changes is with a new Solus version, when there is a new default one 🙂