Got a question ... Is Budgie a fork of GNOME or a fully independent desktop environment? When I change the system icons i can notice some GNOME icons (i know that icons have nothing to do with desktop environment itself)...

I really think a totally independent and stable distribution like Solus has to have a totally independent desktop environment too, from the shell, the theme, the icons and even the cursors, what do you think? Therefore, i am willing to learn and to help with the development of this magnificent work.

It is independent not a fork but does use some gnome stuff to get it working, with bugie 11 which @JoshStrobl starts with developement next year the plan is to move away from the gnome stuff and use own stuff

    Girtablulu this is very cool, Solus deserves this.

    Edited by mod: It's Solus, not Solus OS 😛

    There are people making some good distributions and desktop environments out there who started with only an icon set or only an applications menu. What I think: borrow what works, write what you believe strongly in, along with whatever you have to in order to make that work. Short term success will attract more people to your project. Total independence is not high on my priority list. Interdependence, when other people adopt your work as their standard, is a much better measure of success to me. That would be Ubuntu Budgie for Solus.

      Bruce-McL agreed- I came across someone recently who thought the Solus devs should write their own file manager "to be independent". but doing so wouldn't bring any benefit to the users- the only reason would be for internet credibility. it's just silly...