• SupportNo
  • Common type of newbie request for packages to be added to Software Center

I would like to humbly request that the following six packages be added to the Solus Software Center:

  1. Xbindkeys (a key and mouse binding utility)
  2. wmctrl (a window controller utility)
  3. SpaceFM (a file manager)
  4. PCManFM (another file manager)
  5. Mousepad (a text editor)
  6. MPlayer (a media player which the popular mpv was forked from)

Thank you,



    This is not how you request packages to be added, I suggest you read the following:

    Package inclusion policy:
    How to request a package:

    These ones have been requested before:

    1. Xbindkeys - Failed to answer question about value add over xcape which is already in the repository.
    2. wmctrl - Rejected
    3. SpaceFM - Rejected
    4. PCManFM - Rejected

    I fail to understand why a newbie would need multiple file managers while there is already one shipped out of the box, not even mentioning there are at least half a dozen other files managers available in the repository.
    Same for the text editor...

    So these "common" newbie requests are actually just your personal requests, nothing more.

      kyrios I fail to understand why a newbie would need multiple file managers while there is already one shipped out of the box

      That was my first impression when I read that post. Gedit is my favorite editor by far, and anyone who knows Mousepad can use Gedit with no further training. I install it on systems where it doesn't get installed by default.

      But more than that, it's a good thing to try out new and unfamiliar solutions. Familiar solutions don't require learning to use new ones, but new ones may even turn out to be much better after a bit of familiarization. For example, I just learned to configure and use the Vivaldi browser, which solved a big problem I'd previously had using Firefox to stream online videos.