Let's start with the Newbie corner (I'm a newbie, who would have guessed): I just find those forums that have a Newbie Corner (sometimes introduce yourself) very approachable. Not only does it help to break the anonymity barrier, and thus makes us all more social beings (instead of just posting tech stuff / bugs to strangers), but more importantly (to me), also gives a place to give positive feedback. Because it's that what makes people come here, hopefully.
So some of that: I came here from Budgie Ubuntu (after Elementary and Cinnamon Gnome,xfc and budgie). I have sold my macbook, bought an Acer Swift 5 (recommended), and am learning Linux. Coming from Mac i appreciate attention to detail and coherence, which initially attracted me to Elementary. But Budgie has it all the same, and is not so limiting as Elementary, so well done guys.
Once on Budgie, i used Ubuntu's version, because everything seemed Ubuntu based anyway (newbie perspective). But since learning that it was a Solus project and seeing some very positive reviews i thought if the desktop is anything to judge by, it should be good. And it is!!
I really admire the courage (or is it almost audacity) to start an independent distribution so late in the game. Hat off.
Ok that just ended up here, but the reason i put this post in the docs section was that i didn't find developer docs. There are very good user docs, and this forum looks nice. But as a developer i might want to get my feet wet (or even just compile random stuff) and there is not such a nice Started Doc as for many other things.
Specifically: i tried installing gcc, binutil and things i needed from software center, but never got that to work (cpp was in the wrong place). Then in a forum thread i found the system.devel
package mentioned and that did the trick. So my suggestion would be to put installation of that into a doc, and maybe throw some stuff in as to how to start with developing an applet or change the desktop code.
Ok, mosty thanks guys,