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I use Android, but I so want something 100% opensource and privacy-oriented. Come on Linux!!! :-(
I use Android, but I so want something 100% opensource and privacy-oriented. Come on Linux!!! :-(
Anyone here tried the Manjaro edition pinephone?
Many people have been tinkering with it for a while.
Edited by mod to prevent autoplaying reddit post.
there are missing some OS' in the Poll (and the option, to select more than one). I've some devices laying around here:
BlackBerry 10 (one of the better OS)
WebOS (one of the better OS)
Sailfish OS
I loved BB10 and WebOS, but unfortunately, the did not survive. So I'll stick with Android actually...
Pixel 4a here
Chrym I've still got a Pixie, Pre, and a Sprint hacked Pre2 laying around somewhere. WebOS was by far my favorite. I miss the days of swapping carrier antennas around and overclocking devices right up to the point of melting the internals.
GSingh1994 That's a phone, not an operating system
Brucehankins yeah, WebOS was very modern and powerful back then, but HP slammed it to death. I worked long with my BlackBerry Z10, which had some ideas from webos combined with micro kernel, real time os and buildin security. Was a great OS. Loved it.
Chrym BBOS pre-dates webOS by over a decade. If you specifically mean BBOS 10 (2013), that came out a few years after webOS (2009), but had been in development since before RIM bought QNX in 2010. Most of what you probably consider modern features in webOS, are actually carried over from the original BBOS which had a decade of very heavy UX engineering that everyone copied: Palm, Android, and Symbian. Even the screen gestures date back to earlier touchscreen BB devices.
I mean BlackBerry 10 (BB10, which is not BBOS). The gesture UI/UX was first at WebOS, BBOS didn't had this. BB10 was intruduced with gestures. And yes, BB10 is QNX.
Anyway: BB10 was in my eyes the best mobile OS, followed by WebOS.
Chrym Not sure why you felt the need to read back half of what I said. Not looking to fact-check against you about things I already know. And for the record, I happen to prefer BB10 over any other mobile OS. If it weren't for security updates going away, I'd still be using it.
But fine. I'll give webOS touch gestures by beating BB to the market by < 1 yr with Palm Pre. Though that really means that both companies were developing them at the same time. Nothing else feature-wise about webOS was fundamentally unique though. It was all lifted from earlier OSes.
DataDrake but webOS just did it better. Ask Deiter Bohn about it . (Not arguing, just making the joke since he started what's was probably the biggest webOS/Palm community going at the time and was a huge part of webOS Internals. Also has strong feelings about it still that constantly come up on The Verge cast.)
Brucehankins Probably mostly salty that webOS is effectively dead in mobile. Not nearly as salty as I am about losing Blackberry. John Chen is probably the worst thing to ever happen to that company. First, he killed off BB10 in a misguided effort to become a secure Android company. Then he killed off BB designed hardware, by out-sourcing it to another company. This made BB a software company that barely had any software to sell.
What they really needed was to devote a significant amount of time to getting their BB10 Android compatibility layer to work much better (and ship with Google Services and the Play Store), while also developing budget-friendly versions of their devices that were marketed at regular consumers, not business folk. Then they could have killed off their failing BB World store and started tapping new markets. Alongside all of this, they should have been pushing QNX into new markets (IoT, VoIP Phones, Cameras, etc) in order to build a more stable secondary source of income. If they were really clever, they could have become the official OS of Nvidia's Drive platform, leveraging their considerable experience in automotive infotainment systems.
elfprince don’t just think the worst of humanity.
Apple divorce proceedings are ongoing.
Currently working on what the alternative we all want and need has to be like in it’s next established iteration s.t. we’ll eventually create a mobile OS choice, that resembles an alternative of sort, even for people with no inherent drive to try something ‘other than the dire situation i.e. offering by the trap&trace duopoly, sold in the stores people have come to know’ - I believe the we are beyond their half-life, at least in the form we endured for roughly the past decade.
It’s worth taking a look at e.foundation and mudita.com/products/pure & let’s see if KDE Plasma Mobile get’s somewhere sometime.