I miss BBOS 10, but back on Android after they killed it off.
What Mobile Operating System Do You Use?
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Bought a Xperia X two years ago and installed Sailfish. Was quite happy with it, but two months ago i quit and put Lineage 16 on it. The problem was the compatibility with Android Apps (banking app, identification app for Belgian Gov. , etc..).
I am using a 'dumb' or a feature phone as I would like to call it! I mainly didn't get a smartphone as it is the only privacy-friendly alternative that is both inexpensive and practical. I also have no need for a smartphone. I can do most of my stuff on my laptop with Linux. Not to mention, it helps me to be more aware of my surroundings when I am out. You can never be too cautious!
also on a "not smart" phone (10-year-old Nokia) - yes I could get some newer smartphone and put Lineage or Postmarket on it or something, but then I'd have to deal with worse battery life and I probably wouldn't be able to use the usual "apps" anyway. there's absolutely no way I'm gonna walk around with a device that's spying on me :/
I am waiting for my librem 5 to be shipped
I used Android, then meego harmattan, after that android, then sailfish, then ios, and currently android again
Dumb phone until open source and hopefully open hardware phone become a thing.
[deleted] have you heard the good word of the PinePhone Pine64?
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So i am currently using standard android stuff, nothing to sing about there.
i would however like to give an honourable mention to the best phone i ever had and one i still miss to this day, the nokia n900 with maemo 5 OS. For me this was peak nokia. I've even contemplated buying one second hand but... I also like an uncomplicated life
Diggis best phone ever has to go to the Palm Pre 2. WebOS has had an affect an the entire mobile ecosystem. And the Pre 2 was extremely hackable. AT&T only, but you could pull the cellular antenna out of a Pre 1 from Sprint and get the 2 working. You could also overclock the crap out of them. Had to throw one in the freezer a time or two from pushing it a bit too far.
Currently using jailbroken iOS on iPhone 7 while (still!) waiting for my Librem5
Brucehankins i've heard a lot of good things about the palm products but i never breached that gap myself
Brucehankins I might try that at some point. I am waiting for such a project to mature.
LineageOS for microG
Stock Android for first MotoG from motorola, Android Lollipop...
"It's a phone, not a computer" as I like to say, I don't want phones to be able to do what my computer can, if it calls, has instant message like whatsapp(need for work and low cost calls), bank app, and wifi antenae to browse the web a little, then it's fine.
while, I have to admit, I use it for some e-books, prime user
Unmodified Android on a Samsung phone.
markdj There are a few jailbreak tweaks I use a lot, BioProtect (password/TouchID secure folders/apps), Dark Keyboard (still does a better job than Apple implementation IMHO), DeleteForever (tidy up pics), FiveColumnHomeScreen (as it says), Lockscreen custom text (I use it display how to contact me if phone lost), plus a lot of others. Contact me if you want a complete list with reasons
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LineageOS for MicroG