LineageOS and iOS, I'm really curious though whether Pinephone can become something usable (and secure..) enough to be the main phone. Will buy it to show support whether it's a gamechanger or not though. 🙂

Android 10 on my pixel phone and cyanogen on my old Sony phone with replaced battery.

Android on a Nokia 4.2. I picked it specifically because it's an Android One phone.

Android 8.1 Moto G5s+ and Windows Phone Lumia 620 (Obsolote) 🙂

Nokia 7+, so Android it is.

I use my Motorola Moto G5s with the Pixelexperience Custom ROM.

funny : the survey is about mobile OS but people report their brand/model 📱

    I would love to see more linux DE-s on mobile. If Budgie would like to land on my phone somtime I would be nice. But I'm not a coder. I just use software so It's easy to say for me 😃

    For now Android 6.0.0. I would love to switch to Sailfish OS in short time but lack of android apps support on community version is sad and the fact, that the phone I plan to buy doesn't have a SFOS port yet.

    iOS 10.x on ancient iPhone 5C. Before this it was iOS 7.x on iPhone 4. And before this it was iOS 6.x on iPhone 3GS.
    If I am able to upgrade to something newer it could be to iOS 1X.x running on iPhone 7 Plus. I am not willing to pay such obscene money for newest latest models with such 'remarkable' features I don't need.


    Hi! What devices are supporter by LineageOS? Say, can you wipe out Android and install it? I have a very old Android device I never used and would like to give it a try.


      MMB Yeah sure you can wipe out the stock ROM and install LOS, but how easy it'll be depends on your phone, even though in general older phones are easier to hack.
      Here you can find all the currently and officially supported devices:

      • MMB replied to this.

        kyrios You know us americans, we shorten everything.

        livingsilver94 It seems to be an old Samsung I9001 Galaxy S Plus from 2011. Do you think is worth trying to install anything on it? Any of these OS not based on Android. Thanks

          MMB Honestly no. I had a Samsung Galaxy S (your phone is just a pimped version of it) and I stopped using it because of how slow it had become. It's just too old nowadays. At any rate, LineageOS is based on Android.
          Let's not hijack the thread though, this is not about smartphone support.

            Out of curiosity I installed UbuntuTouch on my Nexus 5 thirty minutes ago. The installation was incredible easy using the ubports-installer from the snap store.

            livingsilver94 I'll forget about doing anything with it. It'll remain as it is. Unused. 😁