evert So far, I tried everything, but nothing works. The USB must be corrupt. Only 1 solution : throw it away and buy a new one.
Since USB 2.0 thumb drives these days cost less than a small bag of potting soil, one could be forgiven for saying that they're "cheaper than dirt.' Literally. Sounds like you've already tried hard, and everything that should have worked didn't. I think you're well advised to dump it and buy a new one.
If your device has more than one USB port, though, and you've done everything in the same port so far, take a moment to try a different port before you give up totally. It's not common, but it IS possible for one port to fail and others to keep working fine.
I believe you mentioned it's an older USB thumb drive, which is why I mentioned USB 2.0. If your device has USB 3.0 ports, those are not much more expensive, and they are way faster and hold much more data.