Can't wait for the updates! Thank you for detailed answer!
Gnome 3.3x
@JoshStrobl let me know when you are looking at starting all the stack upgrades, I'll re-arrange some things and try put some time in with you guys to help with builds etc.
Nice short term roadmap.
Like the new site better than G+. Thank you team.
JoshStrobl I was worried about that.
Will you really meet deadlines? Q1
cantalupo555 Not really a deadline, more of a loose target. We don't do definitive dates.
- Edited
Justin got it
but why establish a roadmap with periods? (Q1, Q2, Q3 and Q4)
Because goals you set yourself are good, and people like having a rough idea of the plans for Solus. Then there are idiots who think Solus is dead because they didn't see a blog post about future plans... no seriously, it happens.
cantalupo555 As mentioned by Harvey, it's healthy for us to provide goals on what we want to accomplish for each quarter. However, as we're all volunteers with our own lives, own problems, etc. we can naturally only dedicate the time we can, which means there may be periods of time where we're able to accomplish more than anticipated, and periods of times where we don't.
Our Roadmap is also important to us because it provides a sense of direction for ourselves and our community. The community knows what is (and is not) a priority and when we want to address it.
JoshStrobl Thank you very much.
This sounds great, however I do wonder what will become of the desktop icons feature that has been removed in Nautilus 3.30.
I understand the criticism of taking away some functionalities in Gnome. People are used to have certain things, they should be able to use them in Gnome too. Saying that, I must admit, after switching to Gnome - I've quickly forgot about desktop icons and other ' missing' features. Gnome is really good at not getting in the way and focusing on your work. I know many of you will disagree, perhaps it is matter of different way of working, dunno.
Yeah, I've kinda grown to like empty desktops (not cluttered with all the icons that spring up in Windows). I can pin the few I use frequently and the rare opportunities for others can be menu driven or cmd line.
Losing icons on the desktop would not be an issue to me at all...think of it as an opportunity to grow and try new things.
you're talking about not being paid to dev solus, so it's a very good occasion to ask what will be the new way of making donations ?
I'm not really sure what "patch" is being referred to, but we're going to continue to hold back Nautilus until either:
- Budgie 11 (Most likely.)
- I write a basic desktop icons view for Budgie in the Budgie 10 series. (Highly unlikely but not impossible).
Desktop icons aren't being removed. I don't use them but I'm also not going to regress in features.
I asked about Nautilus on on r/gnome.
And the reply from "bwyazel (GNOME Foundation)" was:
"Desktop icons was removed from Nautilus and placed into an extension, as it really is more of a shell-specific feature anyhow. Just to note, the extension is developed by the same development team as Nautilus itself."
"If you are using Budgie you can't use GNOME extensions, and the Nautilus icons are now moved entirely to the extension. So no, unless you use GNOME-Shell you have to use an older version of Nautilus prior to the desktop icons removal. Another option would be to use Nemo. Nemo is a great file browser and it still has desktop icons baked in."
You know, I never understood why desktop icons were tied to the file managers in the first place. It just makes no sense to me. Was there actually a good reason for it?
If I had to guess (which is what I'm doing), they saw that they had implemented icons in the file manager and thought the easiest solution was to simply enable them on the desktop using the same code/application.
keep the beauty rolling, i'm new to solus but i'm beginning to love it due to its simplicity. Yes, some rough edges needed more polish like Deepin DE, like so the Application Store to be more latest applications with iconic in nature with obsolete be removed.::