Here is :

linux@home ~ $ uname -ar
Linux unix 5.2.13-126.current #1 SMP PREEMPT Sat Sep 7 08:07:23 UTC 2019 x86_64 GNU/Linux

dschinn1001 Apparently this was caused by Blackhat attack from IP resp. - he caused
a crash despite of turris omnia router here.

Based on what? Aren't those the Cloudflare DNS addresses?

It seems that attacker tried to format me online with
Installation-CD / DVD (but he crashed too).

Based on what? None of this makes any coherent sense.

Alright, consider this strike two. This is the second time you have come here and made baseless accusations of a security vulnerability. At a bare minimum, I expect you to provide some level of evidence and to communicate these issues to us privately. If this was an actual security issue, you would have just announced to the world that there is a problem without giving us a chance to fix it. We even have a form for reporting on the bug tracker:

This puts your fellow users at unnecessary risk and will not be tolerated.

If you do this again, I will ban your account (1) for crying wolf and (2) not properly reporting potential security vulnerabilities.

dschinn1001 Apparently this was caused by Blackhat attack from IP resp.

These are just cloudflare DNS resolver IP addresses...

    Girtablulu Yes but it does it via DNS over HTTPS (DoH as would Homer Simpson say) : the requests go through a DNS proxy instead of acessing the CloudFlare default DNS resolver directly -> the client never see the IP or

    My uname output is identical to the second post.
    In my reading, SMP Preempt is mostly a real time kernel patch (meaning almost nothing) but in some industrial instances it's a built-in pass-through necessary for remote execution. I'm not in an industrial setting, nor is my PC doing robot machining...but really nothing scary in my research of this. Keep calm and carry onπŸ™‚

    Yes to Data-Drake - I have understood. In this case it is normally IP of Cloudflare - is normally IP of Google ? The BlackHat uses these IPs to hide himself behind strong Frequencies. Okay, I promise here not to report over-dramatic any more. The BlackHat is in the fourth year in attempting to crack my password. You could write postcard to him - I have his postal address and he boozes 100 Liters beer each week. This are 200 bottles with 0,5 Liter content. Ooops.

    I still don't understand. is Cloudflare. is Google. We don't set any DNS settings out of the box. Those settings come from the network you are connected to.

      6 days later

      DataDrake Yes it was strange - you are right : would belong to Google - I dont forget it, that output of "whois" spat out address of Montain View ... nah, I dont drink beer - only alcohol-free.

        kyrios Dear Kyrios, dont worry - I am really not into hard drugs - I only flew over the cuckoos nest ... Thats all.