congratulations! thank you for your effort of making this awsome os! Finally that pinned post on reddit can be taken down 😁

    Congrats with this milestone, and thanks for a great release! Upgraded 2 notebooks and a desktop without issues, so I have time to check out all the new stuff. Looking goood!

    Great work guys..! Thanks for all the effort you put into making this awesome OS that we all take so much pride in 👍
    This is a great achievement, especially considering all the ride through last year's events, and all the crazy amount of work you had to put into improving the team's access to All Things Solus ™️

    PS: when's Solus 5 coming..? 🤔 😂

    Thanks Solus team and all the contributors. Without you this wouldn’t be possible. Will upgrade and see the difference

    Congratulation Solus team. We appreciate all of your hard work. Just updated to Solus 4.
    Thanks a lot.