Hey everyone,

So first off, thank you for all your kind words and being supportive of not just myself, but the rest of the team as well. It's important to remember that no single person was the cause of Solus 4, its release was the result from work by our entire community. No single person can take credit and for the love of god, please don't put anyone up on a pedestal. We're all just normal, weird human beings (we use Linux, we're weird, admit it) that volunteer time, as well as both physical and mental energy, towards a shared vision and what we want Solus to be (even if it isn't there yet). We all do and must have priorities outside of Solus, and ensure we treat them as priorities when necessary. This extends to one's mental, physical, or financial well-being.

There's still going to be plenty of people pushing Solus forward while I go and chill on a beach, plenty of bugs that still gotta be squashed, etc. Barring anyone posting anything so blatantly wrong that I gotta correct it immediately, this is gonna be my last post on here until I get back on the 3rd of April.

I will still be in contact with the team and all of you (such as via IRC). I'll have my laptop with me to get some coding done during the more quiet moments. You may even see me posting via the SolusProject (or my personal) Twitter account. Basically what I'm saying is "No worries, I'm not taking this AFK as an opportunity to leave the project". Bus factor doesn't exist anymore, but in the event something happens to me (I die from too many Spanish espressos or something), the team will still be able to:

  • Access Google Apps for Business, as Bryan has access to my getsol.us emaila
  • Access SendGrid for mail delivery, it is tied to my getsol.us email
  • Access Patreon (actually registered to Bryan), though not in use so not really of value.
  • Access my registrar for the domain, my email registered to that has filters which automatically send a copy to my getsol.us account
  • Bryan has successor rights on IRC, channel capabilities will fall-over to him.
  • Infrastructure is not in the hands of third-parties, Bryan can literally walk to where the servers are located 😃
  • All Solus-related social media is either set to my getsol.us email or admin capabilities are granted where possible.

My request to all of you is to just continue being kind to each other. Solus prides itself on having a really friendly community, generally free of toxicity, and it'd be great to keep it that way. Also be sure to take breaks yourself, don't let one thing become everything you are or everything you think about.

See you on the 4th! I got some house-cleaning (literally) to do before I leave!

    JoshStrobl Solus prides itself on having a really friendly community, generally free of toxicity, and it'd be great to keep it that way. Also be sure to take breaks yourself, don't let one thing become everything you are or everything you think about.

    I like it like that... Have a nice trip Josh and take care of yourself... 🙂

    • [deleted]

    Make the most out of it and you well deserve AFK type of holiday, same as any team/community member. We are not robots. Rest buddy and come back refreshed.

    I hope you have a wonderful vacation, you really have earned it 👍 I will continue sending in revisions to update software where needed and possible 🙂

    15 days later

    So umm, do you feel refreshed and ready for another two years?

      dbarron I'm indeed feeling refreshed, thanks for asking, although I might try to take vacations slightly more frequently.

        As much as we want to work you to the bone, yes, it's good to take some time off and relax. It really helps with creative thinking (for me).