jrsilvey Firefox is the only browser using Gecko
but what about waterfox/librewolf/firedragon? they all are based on Firefox and use Gecko.
manjaro's move did not become a big news mostly. i visited their forum to see how manjaro users reacted to it and i can say that roughly around 55% of them werent pleasedwith the move ,and i think few of them were saying indirectly that an open source browser got replaced with a propreitary one.
jrsilvey Safari is the only browser I am aware of using WebKit right now.
falkon browser and gnome web uses webkit. gnome web used Gecko some years ago.
microsoft's move to chromium is old news now, but i still think how the world would have changed had they used Gecko for their browser
i only switched to Solus this year april, until then i had WindOS 10 on my pc and i clearly remember how that edge browser landed on my computer thru a windows update, and then restarting after the update a small blue pop up was shown on the bottom of the screen near the edge logo saying "here's a new edge" or something like that(cannot recall exactly was was written). I liked that browser quite a lot and kept using it for some time till the move to Solus. and to be honest, i did not know anything about free software or gugal's web dominance until i moved to Linux. i have learned a lot of things that i may not have known if i were still on windOS. i feel happy that i can use the terminal a bit, understand some html code etc and that i an no longer a noob windOS user.
so far, Steam is the only non free software i have on my machine right now. but maybe in the next 5 years or so,we can expect valve to make it open source.......