EbonJaeger The TBird wine company has really let some opportunities go, haven't they?
What Is Your Preferred Web Browser?
Vivaldi and use Page Actions <> Invert for night and Sepia to break up daytime reading. Best part is tab specific.
brent Yeah but it is a totally different field. Phoneix & firebird are both active in IT, just like Firefox.
Lotus is a brand of luxury cars, but where I live it is also a brand of biscuits and of toilet paper. Pretty obvious these brands have no relationship with each other although they share the same name.
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Brave, I know this is dumb, but I do like it because it does have Global Menu's support.
ARiosProjekt Brave is my favourite browser since I discovered it. I used Chrome for years and Firefox when I switched to Linux. It blocks annoying ads by default. Plays every media on the internet with no problem and supports webapp making I like to use. I don't care about their cryptocurrency they are giving for their own ads, because they are not very generous.
I just found out about yet another reason to love Vivaldi. Their new Tab Stack feature can not only be set to use two lines for the address bar, but the stacks can be renamed. Thus, all your financial sites (banks, stocks, etc.) can be put into one stack, and that stack renamed to "Financials". Formula 1, MotoGP, WorlldSBK, and MotoAmerica can be stacked, and that stack renamed to "Racing". Solus forum, Vivaldi forum, etc. can be stacked and renamed to "Forums".
With the renamed tab stacks on the first row, and the expanded contents (links) in the second row (the way this feature works in Vivaldi), that creates a simple menu. For example, you can click on "Financial" in the top row, and those links appear in the second row. This has allowed me to change three of my workspaces to just one named "Browser", without any change needed in my browsing workflow.
This is trivial to set up in the Vivaldi settings, and if you also choose the setting to start out with the previous session, closing Vivaldi and restarting it will preserve your setup during reboots.
WetGeek I know, the more I use Vivaldi...Brave crypto has a certain creepy element to it. I have a ledger Nano X, big fan of crypto but not sure I like the way Brave is implementing and preventing all ads by default does not always help those I want to support. It is clean and lightning quick but they've been caught with their hand in the cookie jar one too many times. TOR, great but super slow. Firefox, love it, especially with containers, but nowhere near the overall functionality. There are a bunch of others that serve their purpose - I occasionally cruise on Midori.
Vivaldi's latest commitment to privacy sealed the deal.
You guys are talking about Vivaldi so I installed it and the tab features are awesome I must say. It even has it's own email client, rss feed reader, contacts and callendar. Everything easily accessible from the side panel. There's also a website 'tiling' feature (cool if you got a crazy widescreen display) and website panels. Compared to Vivaldi Brave or Chrome look like a 'hay cart' of a browser. And there's ad blocking by default.
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i use firefox because i want an open source browser that is not owned/developed by the BigTech and also promotes a parellel experience. I entirely gave up on chromium last month and now use Firefox mostly, with palemoon and waterfox at times. i can easily bend Firefox to suite my needs and customize it the way it want to look like. Such a thing is likely impossible on things like chrome where almost everything is forced upon you.
there's no tracking protection in chrome ī¸
I also would love to use firefox. But I think vivaldi spoiled me. All the features like tab tiling, tab stacks, mail client, calendar, side bar, custom themes etc... that I can't live without now. I just wish if vivaldi would have enough resources to make a firefox fork that had all of these features (I guess that will never happen )
[deleted] there's no tracking protection in chrome
I doubt if anyone here will argue for Chrome over Firefox, but it's a mistake to dismiss all other chromium-based browsers just because Chrome is one. They only share a rendering engine, but apart from that, they differ a lot.
Still, your decision affects only you, so it's a personal choice that nobody can deny you. The important thing is that we're all free to choose and use the browser that best fits our needs. And the only way you'll ever know which one does that better than any others is to try those other browsers and decide for yourself.
I'm not a tin foil mad hatter to be overly crazy about privacy. I really appreciate that Linux and it's software is far more secure than Windoze and MadOze. I don't like to be data mined by corparate low-life, and I JUST HATE ADS!!! When obnoxious banners take my screen space, or stupid-a** videos want me to buy something, try another retarded android game for one-finger monkeys, or Amazon wants me to work in their hell-hole warehouse I feel like im in They Live! movie by John Carpenter, I wanna go on a rampage with a firehose and flush those yuppies from the surface of the Earth! I wanna be like GG Allin and toss poo on people while I'm naked with cold-shrunk penis!
WetGeek This is trivial to set up in the Vivaldi settings, and if you also choose the setting to start out with the previous session, closing Vivaldi and restarting it will preserve your setup during reboots.
If this made you that excited.. that is like, so last year. Just WAIT until you see what Command Chains can do.
I am not even going to explain Command Chains. Just watch that video and be blown away.
Most. Awesome. Browser. Ever.
WetGeek I doubt if anyone here will argue for Chrome over Firefox, but it's a mistake to dismiss all other chromium-based browsers just because Chrome is one. They only share a rendering engine, but apart from that, they differ a lot.
This is absolutely true. Being based on Chromium doesn't make a browser Chrome.
One thing to take note of though.. Firefox is the only browser using Gecko, their web rendering engine. Microsoft Edge, Brave, Opera, Vivaldi, Chrome and any derivatives use Blink.
Safari is the only browser I am aware of using WebKit right now.
The problem with Firefox being the only browser of note using Gecko is that, unlike Safari which is owned by Apple, they don't have vast funds and resources to maintain that web rendering engine.
Firefox use among Linux users is incredibly important. Just days ago Manjaro Cinnamon announced that they were switching from Firefox to Vivaldi. This has left me incredibly torn because, as much as I love and support and represent Vivaldi as Ambassador, it worries me that leaning hard into Chromium-based derivatives will end up with the death of Firefox and Gecko.
jrsilvey Firefox is the only browser using Gecko
but what about waterfox/librewolf/firedragon? they all are based on Firefox and use Gecko.
manjaro's move did not become a big news mostly. i visited their forum to see how manjaro users reacted to it and i can say that roughly around 55% of them werent pleasedwith the move ,and i think few of them were saying indirectly that an open source browser got replaced with a propreitary one.
jrsilvey Safari is the only browser I am aware of using WebKit right now.
falkon browser and gnome web uses webkit. gnome web used Gecko some years ago.
microsoft's move to chromium is old news now, but i still think how the world would have changed had they used Gecko for their browser
i only switched to Solus this year april, until then i had WindOS 10 on my pc and i clearly remember how that edge browser landed on my computer thru a windows update, and then restarting after the update a small blue pop up was shown on the bottom of the screen near the edge logo saying "here's a new edge" or something like that(cannot recall exactly was was written). I liked that browser quite a lot and kept using it for some time till the move to Solus. and to be honest, i did not know anything about free software or gugal's web dominance until i moved to Linux. i have learned a lot of things that i may not have known if i were still on windOS. i feel happy that i can use the terminal a bit, understand some html code etc and that i an no longer a noob windOS user.
so far, Steam is the only non free software i have on my machine right now. but maybe in the next 5 years or so,we can expect valve to make it open source.......
[deleted] librewolf
Great standalone browser.
But it's built on an old (non-updated) Firefox carcass.
Once I figured out that I could do what the Librewolf folks (mostly about:config
moves) do in the updated Solus-curated Firefox, I went back to updated Solus-curated Firefox.
If you want to skip mucking about the guts of about:config I don't blame you. Librewolf is a secure browser.
But there is a wicked satisfaction to disabling the whole creepy Pocket apparatus yourself.
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My appimage wolf is 85 and my solus is 92(?) so maybe my appimage is old?
but the difference between 85 and 92 is about:config settings multiply like bunnies every new version..
I had no script.
Wolf, about.config, type Pocket. Tried replicate in Solus.
Also found this online so I did it:
extensions.pocket.enabled = false (DID ALL 3)
extensions.pocket.site = blank
extensions.pocket.oAuthConsumerKey = blank
extensions.pocket.api = blank
Disable 3rd party closed-source Pocket integration.
Note, this is browser.pocket.enabled for older versions of firefox
That's about it. I became weirded out because your article reading is shared via pocket to 3rd parties. Plus their selections for me to read left me equally repulsed. That's what I came to believe anyway, so I stopped it from functioning and talking asfaik.
Just those two things.
I might have took a couple things from ghacks' famous security opus overkill called 'user.js' regarding pocket and transferring them to solus firefox (edit): but I did not document those 2-3.
Chrome is my favourite browser for PC and Soul Browser is my favourite browser for Android Phone.
It used to be Brave, but now I'm fully back on Firefox. Love the new re-design and ability to customize it.