• [deleted]

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Fatih19 Most use firefox for the added power it gives people, be it plain ui customization or privacy for example - Windows is another story and haven't profiled themselves as privacy oriented exactly and dont quote me but i dont think Microsoft arent hiding the fact that they do some data collection even if you disable it when you install.

iirc the scale was: 3; everything, 2; a shitload or 1; just alot! /s

Justin There is a main difference though.... One is open source and thus code can easily be audited, the other adds some proprietary blocks and has a business model largely based on leveraging user data.

So I fully agree that Mozilla is not perfect and doesn't always take the good decisions nor is always as transparent as it could (silently enabling some features for testing without the users knows unless they visit their blog), but what @3ImWeckla claims is just misinformation (fake news as would scream a guy with a ridiculous haircut) based at the best on some inaccurate info.
Also the option "Allow Firefox to install and run studies" which is one of the main criticism, is not enabled by default in Solus.

People quickly forget that Mozilla invest lot in privacy protection, they organize campaign, educate, sponsor many projects and they are the last offering an alternate engine to WebKit/Blink. So free criticism based on some nothing serious at the best or on lies (Mozilla finances & privacy chart are public and much easier to read than the ones of most other companies) are just harmful and would just help damaging the only alternative to the web engine monopoly.

[deleted] "Microsoft arent hiding the fact that they do COMPLETE CONTINUOUS HOURLY data collection AND EVERY KEY LOGGED even if you disable it when you install."

Fixed it for you. Insert smiley face here 😀

    I prefer chromium under most circumstances. Falkon is very snappy however, just wish for more extension support.

      [deleted] Once upon a time there was a fun little browser called Qupzilla. It became unstable and wiggy to the point the creators terminated the browser. Then fixed it up again re-branded it as Falkon, in the repos. Pretty sure that's the story more or less.

      Harvey good afternoon friend excuse the inconvenience because I could install the new version of the opera now see that they already have to take another 2 or 3 versions more new that and installed and I was researching and if I mistake not a tool called solbuild this new system will allow to create packages solus in a fast and easy way with this I can transform this new version of opera from the formato.deb to eopkg and install it using the terminal to update you web browser ?? Thank you very much in advance


        solbuild is Solus's build system. Yes you can make packages for Solus with it, but its not exactly super easy, It's not a just push a button sort of system. But if you'd like to learn packaging https://getsol.us/articles/packaging/

        If someone else hasn't already done it, I will look at updating opera again.

          Harvey well is that nothing is easy as well as your work in the climb the operates and why thank you already that my I like more opera than any other web browser and if you learn it touched me to learn and at the end of this anexare the last launch of opera Thank you very much really 😀

          60.0.3255.27/ 09-Apr-2019 06:24

          60.0.3255.56/ 18-Apr-2019 11:34

          60.0.3255.59/ 21-Apr-2019 15:39

          60.0.3255.70/ 26-Apr-2019 07:55

            Must admit I've tried EDGE Dev Build (the ones with Chromium) and it's nice to use, basically because it's Chrome with a MS skin.

            Justin On my laptop is better than Chrome. I can set the speed of scrolling in both browsers, but in Firefox is clearly superior. And Chrome's zoom is simply awful - I cannot stand watching the page resizing to the zoom I set.

            Harvey Ahhh perfect truth Hey thank you wait this update very grateful of you and the community 😀 😄

            I really do miss one browser : Web (Epiphany).

              Google Chrome for the time being. It is just too useful. I been trying to transition to Firefox, but Kubuntu had some kind of bug with Firefox load times. Now that I am on Solus, I am going to give Firefox another try.

                JamesStevens Luckily you shouldn't run into issues on Solus it is the default web browser on install, I haven't had a problem with it. Their is a nice selection of different browsers in the repository if you are inclined to look into them. There are browsers in container systems like appimage, flatpak, and snaps. Snaps and flatpak are able to be installed on Solus, I find flatpak and appimage more to my liking but that's what I prefer.

                Appimages are really easy to setup in my experience, just download the one you need and make it run as an executable and your done. I am not going to go into detail on how each of these container systems differ here due to it being off topic.(like this post isn't a little already)

                Opera is miles ahead of FF and Chrome, only thing missing is support for Amazon Prime and Netflix. Free VPN, built in ad blocker, support for chrome extensions, Flow so you can pick up on your phone, or vice versa. Google sucks, and FF is too damn slow.