picnerd algent An environment variable should look like this $BASH or not. Or did you mean something else?
algent picnerd I was meaning just type bash. This command restart bash shell, without closing the terminal and then open it again. For example i put a "#" at line with source etc.. and later removed it. but I see that bash and $BASH are doing same thing.
unclemez algent is there a way to not show my user on the prompt ? if Yes i would love to how to do that with Powerline which I've already installed and is working fine. Just don't like to see my username there as I share a lot of screenshot on the web and Instagram etc.
algent unclemez is there a way to not show my user on the prompt ? I don't know how to do that. If you have problems with it, then create another user for those sharing stuff.
viyoriya unclemez you mean like this add this in .bashrc export PS1="\[\e[34m\] \w\[\e[m\]\[\e[33m\] \[\e[m\] " or try http://ezprompt.net/
HPF-84E Powerline is based on bash or another shell and offers further configuration options. Either you change your bash prompt or you change the corresponding segment of Powerlline. https://www.google.de/amp/s/www.howtogeek.com/307701/how-to-customize-and-colorize-your-bash-prompt/amp/ https://powerline.readthedocs.io/en/master/configuration/segments.html
unclemez Justin Yeah I know Flameshot but ... what I mean is it has to work with my everyday life ... I don't like to see my name there on the prompt. Better I see current the n working folders only !