is it true that solus is perfect for running windows applications and playing across steam?
and what desktop do you recommend?
Im use a ASUS Vivobook X541N with Intel N3350 2.6 ghz and 4 gb RAM

    Well i'm new to Solus, but not the linux so i can answer that. Linux can't run windows applications perfect
    it just can't do that. If you want to run windows applications you need to run wine, steam (proton which is great software). But you need to open new products for example if you are using adobe photoshop and you want to use linux you should use gimp and it goes like that.

    For desktop environment (DE) if you want simplicity and fast, go with mate, it's great and keep in mind you can change whatever you want in linux.

    And where did you heared 'solus is perfect for running windows apps'?

    luisbalaguer1998 For some cases, crossover is better than wine. (Crossover contributes to the wine project by the way) That said, it's not an end-all solution. You wont be able to run everything. The best thing to do would be to download crossover and use the trial period to test your software on Solus. That and also try out wine which you can install from the software center in Solus, and see what pieces of software you have which may run.

    luisbalaguer1998 Im use a ASUS Vivobook X541N with Intel N3350 2.6 ghz and 4 gb RAM

    I'd recommend mate with Solus. It's stable, and it's pretty light.

    luisbalaguer1998 playing across steam?

    Steam has a compatibility layer called proton, which uses wine to allow you to easily run your windows games on linux. Solus supports linux, so yes, you will be able to use it. Keep in mind, the same thing applies as to wine and crossover, it wont be an end-all solution and some games and applications in all of these tools simply may not work.