DataDrake Your passive aggressive behavior is quite comical. What is your technical competency that's going to be necessary to help me resolve this issue.
I am literally the Technical Lead for Solus. So far you have demonstrated to me that you overestimate your own knowledge of Linux and computer security, you have absolutely no clue how to properly report security issues, and that you have no desire to show me or JoshStrobl the respect that is deserved for our years of service to Solus and in our current roles as leaders of the project. Put simply, you came into our house, uninvited, with wild accusations, and couldn't be bothered to provide thorough and complete evidence even when prompted.
Now you are insulting us over our rightful hostility towards this inflammatory post that was irresponsibly presented to us through an unsecure channel.
You are also insulting me without bothering to learn one iota of information about my background. It just so happens that I have done one variety of IT or another for over 15 years and have been using Linux for longer. I also happen to have both a BS and MS in Computer Engineering, with a Minor is Computer Science during my undergraduate studies. I have been with the Solus project since 2016. Our founder Ikey was convinced enough with my technical skills that I was asked to join the Core Team, our highest level of leadership, less than 6 months after my first contribution to the project.
Meanwhile, a quick waltz around the internet shows that you do some level of IT support, of which I am uncertain because a website for your company doesn't even show up in a google search. You also appear to lack a LinkedIn, so I could not find any information about your technical background. What I could find, was a series of references to your poor attitude and behavior in the comment sections of various YouTubers and a series of videos from yourself which in my own opinion demonstrate poor respect for people who don't agree with your ideologies or assessments.
So forgive me if I have a hard time being pleasant in the face of all of this.