I did have proof that I had the hidden wasp or another variant of the Chinese malware but I did not document it because I did not have time. I stay pretty busy with my work as an IT Professional. The symptoms I experienced screams malware over my nearly decade of experience.
Please with all due respect you need not cop an attitude. Please simply address the issue like a responsible developer. I told people that I'm sure you guys would handle it and to be sure to verify there Iso's. Would you like to help me resolve my issues so that on a reinstall of Solus this does not happen again.
I left a symptoms list below. I apologize for the delay in responding as I've been dealing with this. I am actually now having similar quirkiness in Peppermint 10 OS. I am beginning to think it's an issue affecting a wide range of very popular distros based on my research.
Opening Files with other File Contents and not changing to the current file being opened.
Dropping of browsers and downloads at random.
Core System Files modified containing ld.so
RKHunter revealing a warning showing 3 possible rootkits