Nice one in case if you want to use any directory just add this bit of code in .bashrc and
call solfetch <packageName>

	if [[ $# -lt 1 ]] ; then
		echo "==================================================="
	    echo "please provide the packagename"
	    echo "example: solfetch packagename"
	    echo "==================================================="
		git clone https://dev.getsol.us/source/${packagename}.git	
alias solfetch=dPMethod $1

    Girtablulu Yes I am well aware of that but I don’t like the if else syntax in bash and it was a good thing to try to do in the way to learning Go. Still gets the job done and I like it πŸ™‚

      Jacalz if you wanna have something helpfully I recommend on something which clones and updates the package in the same time πŸ™‚ is my most used bash script

        Girtablulu Sounds like a great idea! I really should get better at bash scripts since it is a bit like using a sledgehammer when you only need a hammer if you use Go for stuff like this...

          Jacalz yea was my initial thought, a slide overkill for something "simple" but still good practice

          Jacalz go ahead and expand it. It will be a good experience too there are Go pros here they may help you.
          here is the one i know in other threads buddyspencer he developed uas

            viyoriya Good to know and thanks, but I think it is slightly off topic from this post though πŸ˜‰

              Jacalz Can you explain please what is the difference of
              solfetch brave and make brave.clone?
              With my little tests your tool work in every folder, and make. app.clone work only in ~/repository folder that i made for solbuild.

                algent Had no idea that I could do something like make brave.clone πŸ˜‚

                I also do this in bash, simple & no dependency.
                Personally I check if the directory already exists; if it doesn't, I clone the repo, if it does, I jump in it and do a make pull to make sure it's up-to-date.


                function gc {
                	git clone https://dev.getsol.us/source/${1}.git
                	cd ${1}
                	ls -hl --group-directories-first

                Did this a while back. πŸ˜€