I wrote a tool to search for and install programs from Snapcraft, Flathub and AppImage.

I received help from the Solus community and now I'd like to share it with the rest of you. Should you find any bugs please report them and if you have any feature requests please feel free to tell me.

algent I'd suggest Github page to keep them with the code. This can then just be used for general discussion.

algent i prefer github for the feature requests. Sorry that I didn't respond to your issue earlier, my notifications were turned off

algent You downloaded one of these (different creator) and are still using it I think. Now you've seen them both, are they just variations on the same thing? Or do they each offer something different? Thanks.

    brent I still have them both:


    (I use an alias with only "chob")

    After making the choise, it opens the webpage on browser with the information to proceed the installation.


    On first run it is heavier on RAM usage, than chob.

    After making the choise, the instruction to install are printed on terminal, except for appimages.

    After first run, uas is faster and lighter.

    uas is still on development.

      algent On first run it is heavier on RAM usage, than chob

      Yes because I clone a git repo in the background 😅
      I want to add a progressbar for the appimage download, then one would see the progress

      Daaaang, thank you for the detailed comparison.
      Sad thing is, by the time it was said and done. I realized I wanted Stacer really bad🙂
      I have to find your old thread.


      uas vlc
      Searching for vlc
      #1: flathub VLC 
      #2: snapcraft vlc.videolan 3.0.7
      #3: appimage VLC
      Select the number you'd like or 'q' to quit: 3
      saving to /home/algent/.appimage
      Downloaded /home/algent/.appimage/releases.atom
      Set execute permission on /home/algent/.appimage/releases.atom

      That is not the appimage.


        cat releases.atom 
        <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
        <feed xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom" xmlns:media="http://search.yahoo.com/mrss/" xml:lang="en-US">
          <link type="text/html" rel="alternate" href="https://github.com/darealshinji/vlc-AppImage/releases"/>
          <link type="application/atom+xml" rel="self" href="https://github.com/darealshinji/vlc-AppImage/releases.atom"/>
          <title>Release notes from vlc-AppImage</title>
            <link rel="alternate" type="text/html" href="https://github.com/darealshinji/vlc-AppImage/releases/tag/2.2.8"/>
            <content>No content.</content>
            <media:thumbnail height="30" width="30" url="https://avatars2.githubusercontent.com/u/5700937?s=60&amp;v=4"/>
            <link rel="alternate" type="text/html" href="https://github.com/darealshinji/vlc-AppImage/releases/tag/continuous"/>
            <title>Continuous build</title>
            <content>No content.</content>
            <media:thumbnail height="30" width="30" url="https://avatars2.githubusercontent.com/u/5700937?s=60&amp;v=4"/>

        algent the problem was that appimage was in the url-name. I fixed that now. I downloaded vlc via appimage and it seemed to work fine for me. Thanks again for testing

        I added a parameter to run an update on everything. It updates snaps, flatpaks and appimages.