I have created the script for packaging ..it does the basic setup... it may be useful for new developers...feel free to add/update the script and share with me 🙂
Note : save as .sh file and provide execute permission (chmod 755 createSolusPackage.sh)
if [[ $# -lt 3 ]] ; then
echo "========================================================================="
echo "please provide the 3 arguments - packagename git-username git-emailid"
echo " "
echo "example: ./createSolusPackage.sh packagename username emailid@example.com"
echo "========== arg 1 ==> provide your packagename"
echo "========== arg 2 ==> provide your git username"
echo "========== arg 3 ==> provide your git emailid"
echo " "
echo "==== Still doubt ? Youtube link ==> youtu.be/rlPnHjUBpJ8"
echo "========================================================================="
exit 1
mkdir -p ~/.solus
echo "[Packager]" >> ~/.solus/packager
echo "Name=$username" >> ~/.solus/packager
echo "Email=$emailid" >> ~/.solus/packager
sudo eopkg it -c system.devel
sudo eopkg it git solbuild arcanist solbuild-config-unstable
sudo solbuild init
sudo solbuild update
ls ~/.solus 2>/dev/null||$(create_packager_file)
mkdir -p repository/$packagename
echo "your project directory created..."
cd repository/
echo "Current directory ==> " $PWD
ls common >/dev/null 2>&1 || git clone https://dev.getsol.us/source/common/common.git
if [ ! -L $makeFile ]; then
echo "=> creating makeFile link"
ln -sv common/Makefile.toplevel Makefile
if [ ! -L $makeFileCommon ]; then
echo "=> creating Makefile common link"
ln -sv common/Makefile.common .
if [ ! -L $makeFileIso ]; then
echo "=> creating Makefile.iso link"
ln -sv common/Makefile.iso .
git config --global user.name $username
git config --global user.email $emailid
arc set-config default https://dev.getsol.us
echo "============================================================================="
echo " Here is the Conduit API Token"
echo " This token will be used to allow the CLI arc utility"
echo " to communicate with Phabricator"
echo "============================================================================="
arc install-certificate
cd $packagename/
echo "Current directory ==> " $PWD
#git init
echo "include ../Makefile.common" > $makeFile
echo "============================================================================"
echo "======================== Basic setup is done ==============================="
echo "============================================================================"
echo "====Step 1: Create package.yml with updated package name ============="
echo " ../common/Scripts/yauto.py <enter your package files git link>"
echo "====Step 2 - (update) : Update package.yml ==================="
echo "====Step 3 - (make) : make ================================="
echo "====Step 4 - (list content) : lseopkg <yourpackage>.eopkg =========="
echo "====Step 5 - (status of new files) : git status ==========================="
echo "====Step 6 - (add new files to git) : git add * ============================"
echo "====Step 7 - (commit new files ) : git commit ==========================="
echo "====Step 8 - (check commit log ) : git log ==========================="
echo "====Step 9 - (create a patch ) : arc diff ==========================="
echo "====Step 9.1 - (edit the patch ) : arc diff --edit ====================="