oh so thats the new dolphin pathbar i saw people complaining about elsewhere. seems fine to me.
otherwise allg ood on both plasma and gnome

Updated perfectly on Gnome and resolved an issue where my nvidia card didn’t have a name in Gnome information page. Now the card is detected correctly.

Updating from Software Control does not work. It always restart... I found the error... rust and rustup are in conflict... I eliminated rustup and now it works!!!

Not the best Update Sync for me...

Having problems with bluetooth

  • Had to reconnect my mouse

Having problems with vivaldi

  • Takes ages to start

Gnome Solus

    All good in my three computers (2 Solus KDE, 1 Solus xfce).

    Gnome: The quick power change button (power saver, balanced, high performance) has disappeared in the top right drop-down control panel.


    Did a rollback

    Vavaldi was updated to 7.2
    Only problems
    Takes ages to load
    Then, after every wakeup from standby, it don't load any page. No upload/download any bit.
    Only after reboot, it works for a while

    even the rollback did not solve my bluetooth problems again
    My laptop no longer connects to the mouse.
    I have tested a second one. Same problem.
    If I delete the mouse completely and reconnect it works again for a while. after standby the mouse is no longer connected. I have to delete it completely again.

    I have also started gnome with X11, but that only causes more problems

    My setup
    Gnome / wayland

    Too bad. these are the first serious problems I've had with solus.

    But they are so annoying that I can't live with them.
    Nothing works without a mouse
    And a browser that doesn't load pages is also tragic

    Status quo:
    Thanks to the rollback, my system is now back to where it was shortly before today's Sync 12/25 update

    Vivaldi in version 7.1
    No more problems Everything as usual

    By rebooting again, the mouse now works as usual again. She doesn't hang out anymore.
    Not after a certain time and not even when the system comes back from standby.
    Here too, everything is as usual

    I don't know if I'll test it again, wait and see if I'm the only one, if the team does or can do something, or skip this sync completely and don't take action again until next week.

      Super, fonctionne nickel Solus KDE
      Bonne soirée a tous


      Thanks, nothing to report in this new Solus update (71 packages, 810,64 MiB).

      Just a question:

      The GNOME edition will have Software, while all other editions have Discover. Each software center will be automatically installed on already installed systems at a later date.

      Having installed Budgie desktop on my computer, I thought I had to use Gnome Software (I have it installed and am currently using it) and that Discover was reserved for Plasma users.
      Reading your post, it seems I have to use Discover.
      Could you please tell me if I need to correct this?

      Thanks for your feedback.

        no ploblems to report again 👍

        penny-farthing In reality, you can use whichever you want. What will come installed on Budgie and Xfce editions will be Discover, though, and Discover will probably be added as a dependency of the branding packages or something so that everyone has some software center installed once Solus Software Center goes away.

        The last update for week 11 broke launching certain games for me and I have no idea what the cause might be, but the error persists. It appears to only concern Unity games at the moment (Lutris error log). Steam launches fine, but when I click the "Play" button, unity games just won't launch further, i.e. no pop-up of a game client to log-in or update the client. Different non-Unity offline games I launched from Lutris (also different prefix and different runner) ran just fine.

        Same with games run from Lutris which are started totally different than Steam: runner is wine-ge-8-26 instead of Proton, different prefix, different variables. Disabling dxvk and d3d12 helps with starting, but then graphical blur occurs without a mouse pointer.

        So I reverted to the last history step via sudo eopkg hs -t # right before the update, everything works as expected for the moment.
        Using Budgie LTS Kernel.

        AlphaElwedritsch You are not alone. Reported Bluetooth issues in Plasma Wayland further up in this thread. I wonder if your Bluetooth devices are V4 or above as V3 Bluetooth stuff still seems perfectly functional for me.

          Error preparing initrd: Device error
          start_image () returned Device Error

          This problem with my "NVMe SSD" boot driver is back after this update, even the kernel driver is the same. So it must be something else. Also, my PC freezes directly after update, I had to do hard reset. I have my backup boot partition on another disk (normal SSD) and it works. packages

            AlphaElwedritsch Yes that makes sense. I wonder if we are going to get 5.9 as a fix. Using an older Bluetooth mouse for the time being.

            Maybe I can try testing it later the day or tomorrow.
            One of my mice is a dual device, but I'm actually not sure if it is v5/v4 or v5/v3

            You're right
            I've updated my system again
            My MX Master mouse (v5) stops working immediately
            But the other mouse (dual V5 and V3) which I has connected as a V3 mouse to my system before I did the update keeps working without any problem.

            So, the problems is defacto there, but only for V5 devices

            I will update the issue, I#ve opened on github
