I don't see on right click a widow in Nemo, the option "Always on Top" ; is there a shortcut or other tips to do it ?

Hi Franck,
do you mean "folders first, files second" in the order that Nemo displays them?
Or what do you mean if not that?

    SOLUSfiddler Or what do you mean if not that?

    "Always on top" usually refers to not allowing an app's window to become buried under other applications, for those who insist on using just one workspace. If it's always on top (of other windows) it's always easy to find.

    I mean select window with the option "Always on top" actived, is never overlay by others window.
    It is an ordinary option on many Linux distribution (like rezise, close, minimize, maximaze...) ; by right clic on the widow.

    Hm... Right-clicking on the title bar of an open program (window) doesn't work?

      No ; I don't have this kind of menu on right click the title bar of a window.
      There is no menu in my distib Solus/Budgie/Nemo ; only the 3 buttons minimize/maximize et close.

      Take it easy. I also have Solus Budgie and Nemo.
      I know you have a problem with Nemo, but does the same menu fail to appear in other programs as well?
      To check, maximize the window and try right-clicking.

      PS. I'm clicking around, and sometimes the menu doesn't open for me either. Try in different areas of the title bar and by double right-clicking.

      6 days later

      Right click Nemo launcher icon at the launcher. My terminology might be incorrect. Here's picture.

      TraceyC changed the title to Nemo - Not seeing Always on Top option in menus .

      Thank to evry one for your feed back !
      But I test right click and equivant sortcut "alt"+"space" on my two computers (one tower and a lagtop, with alomst the same parameters/themes...).

      and the emergence of the option window (with Always on top and others) is totaly chaotic when I freneticly click-click-click using one or other methode ; the sortcut seems to work "better"... but I can not quitely count on it to use this feature on my system.
      Nobody notice same troubleshoot ?