- Edited
I agree that Budgie lacks some features. For example, there is still no real calendar integration. But I am pretty confident that Budgie 10.10 with wayland support will be released soonish.
I agree that Budgie lacks some features. For example, there is still no real calendar integration. But I am pretty confident that Budgie 10.10 with wayland support will be released soonish.
brent All good points Brent, and to be honest, I probably would have also chosen Windows 7 over Windows 10/11
elfprince Budgie still has its fair share of bugs, which is the frustrating part, at this stage Budgie is over 10 years old
Sebastian Yeap, a 10 year old DE and still no calendar integration is one example, and yet a screenshot application gets development time, while gnome screenshots exists and many other screenshot tools that work on Budgie
DrunkenAlcoholic Sebastian Yeap, a 10 year old DE and still no calendar integration is one example, and yet a screenshot application gets development time, while gnome screenshots exists and many other screenshot tools that work on Budgie
I've said this a few times in the past: Raven has the potential to do this (calendar duties) and many more things. Maybe it's not Budgie-proper that needs to expand as much as Raven which has so much potential as a complete desktop manager. My fantasy, though
We are not creating yet another ISO to test. We have rejected a minimal ISO multiple times now.
Budgie is not developed by Solus, if you have feedback for their developers this is not the place to give it.
It might be a good idea to add a FAQ section to the help center where recurring questions like minimal ISO, addition of another DE etc might be adressed.
DrunkenAlcoholic But Budgie is one of your flagship DE's for Solus,
flagship (noun) ยท flagships (plural noun)
the best or most important thing owned or produced by a particular organization:
Budgie has not been a Solus project for a long time. So this phrasing no longer makes any sense, and this wording should be removed from our website. We do not have a flagship edition.
DrunkenAlcoholic why wouldn't we be able to discuss it here?
I did not say you couldn't discuss Budgie here. I said:
if you have feedback for their developers this is not the place to give it.
Obviously if Budgie is not a Solus project, feedback about its development does not belong here.
If you just want to talk about it with Solus community members that is fine, but that would not be feedback, it is a discussion with random people. It would be like me giving feedback about my experience ordering from Pizzahut to my mechanic. There is nothing the mechanic can do with that information.
May be change it to "for those who like to customizing their Desktop"?
I was unaware that Solus owned or produced (make or manufacture from components or raw materials) Plasma. I thought that was what KDE did and to "produce" a desktop environment in this context meant using a programming language / toolkit / framework to create one from those elements potential and developer know how.
Given this new knowledge of Solus ownership I am removing Plasma's floating panel. Its ugly, pointless and at the very least should not be a default. I am also going to reallocate some of its funding. Thank you for letting me know.
Well, I agree Plasma is the:
best or most important
Solus Edition/Flavour/Spin. I'm sure KDE will understand we are not trying to imply anything more than that. Plasma #1
Somehow I can't follow this discussion.
But somehow I have the feeling that it's a good thing...
Harvey feedback about its development does not belong here
Sorry for the misunderstanding Harvey, I had no feed back for the development of Budgie, I was just pointing out facts, not feed back.
Thank you for letting me know Solus does not have a flagship desktop, and in fact non of the desktops provided by Solus in the download section are Solus projects and therefore feed back for them should be re-directed at the desktop developers, so once again I do apologise for that misunderstanding, One could nearly be lead to believe that if Solus has no accountability for any of the non flagship desktop's ISO's that is provided in the main web site that there could actually be a "minimal" iso? or what exactly is Solus Project without the Desktop environments provided in download page?
btw, might want to think about changing the wording on the front page of the solus project web site
Some Suggestions:
Designed for Nearly Everyone
Solus provides a multitude of experiences that enable you to get the most out of your hardware.
From ourflagshipnon-flagship Budgie experience formodernWindows 7 devices to the more traditional XFCE experience for lower-end devices, Solus aims to provide the best non-flagship experience for your device without a minimal iso.
The point was that there is no flagship edition any more since Budgie is no longer a Solus project.
When we provide a ISO / edition, it is for something we are interested in supporting and it meets our own internal expectations, including our confidence in doing a good job maintaining that edition given our experience with that DE and our resources to do so.
Just because we do not develop Budgie, Gnome, Plasma, XFCE does not mean no issues with those editions could possibly be our side. This is why XFCE is still listed as a BETA edition. We were not 100% confident with our offering and wanted more feedback and testing. For reference Solus only provided Plasma as a beta ISO for multiple years before becoming an official edition.
So no, none of what I said has any impact on our current lack of interest in providing a minimal install ISO. No we do not need to re-word it to point out we do not provide a minimal install or an edition for Deepin, Pantheon, Pixel, Cosmic, Cinnamon, lxqt and every other DE under the sun. Our download page makes what editions we provide very clear. If that is not what people want, they should find a Linux distribution that fits their requirements better.
DrunkenAlcoholic while gnome screenshots exists
GNOME Screenshots basically ceased to exist as an independent project (nowadays the functionality is directly integrated into GNOME Shell), which was one of the reasons for Budgie to create its own implementation.
Harvey Budgie has not been a Solus project for a long time. So this phrasing no longer makes any sense, and this wording should be removed from our website. We do not have a flagship edition.
A certain variant of Solus could very well still be a "flagship" edition. There is no implication of ownership of the DE that it's based on, same as a company with a flagship product doesn't necessarily claim to produce all of its raw materials and constituent parts by themselves. It's the final product that counts.
That being said it probably still doesn't make sense to call it a flagship edition, seeing as the other DEs receive just as much care (if not more) these days.
Harvey I was unaware that Solus owned or produced (make or manufacture from components or raw materials) Plasma. I thought that was what KDE did and to "produce" a desktop environment in this context meant using a programming language / toolkit / framework to create one from those elements potential and developer know how.
Same here. Solus doesn't produce "Plasma", but it produces "Solus Plasma", which can be quite different from other implementations of Plasma.
By the same argument Solus produces the Linux kernel because it is heavily patched. The more you twist the intention of the words usage to kinda, sorta, but not really apply the less meaningful it becomes. Flagship edition no longer has any meaning to Solus and we should stop using the phrase. It was asked internally awhile back, what would a non-flagship edition mean? There was no good answer.
It used to have meaning. It was a Solus project. Budgie was a core focus and often received fixes before they landed in branch. Solus had the latest release of Budgie first because it was tagged around a Solus release. Solus did not provide as many editions. It was in a poor state on many other Linux distributions (I remember reading about how Buddies of Budgie worked on improving the built in theme etc so it wasn't only good on Solus).
Budgie should not be focused on 1 distribution (They are not) and Solus should not focus on 1 DE enough to the point flagship is a word that could be meaningfully applied (We are not).
Harvey Our download page makes what editions we provide very clear. If that is not what people want, they should find a Linux distribution that fits their requirements better.
Calm down chief, I was only being sarcastic, as the front web page of the Solus Project clearly states Budgie as the flagship edition as per the screenshot in my previous post. I get it, no minimal iso, no flagship addition, and no discussion on development of the "non-flagship" DE's Solus is currently offering.....
@DrunkenAlcoholic if you have a github acct you can easily share your concerns/requests with Josh at the Buddies page. I've reached out from time to time for Budgie-related questions/requests.
Budgie was the flagship here. It always will be to me, but no more.
I understand your concerns. Solus still is the best implementation of Budgie. I did not enjoy Fedora's, or Arch's, or at least 4 others I tried. The closest was some user-spin in Beta for OpenMandriva which was quite lovely.
In my imagination I have to think creators like Josh, Ikey, and even Solus, are always few hundred (or thousand?) dollars aways from where they want to be with going forward. Linux is patience and baby steps sometimes.