I had 2.2G of Journals others not so much on my Plasma machine. Thanks for reminder. πŸ™‚


    I went through my menu last night and uninstalled a crapload of apps I installed, tried once, and never used again.
    My biggest knock on eopkg is I don't get the pleasure of seeing how many MBs/GB's of room was created...butjournalctl fills that void a littleπŸ™‚.

    For me space=Finite.


    other than sudo eopkg dcand sudo eopkg rmo, are there any other recommended commands to run as part of general housekeeping / annual maintenance ?

    For example, should we run a command to remove old linux kernels every now and then, in order not to bloat up the space that is reserved for linux kernels (I can't remember the proper name for it, apologies)?

      those 2
      and the journalctl vacuum one at the top.
      this might be the boot one you are speaking of :sudo sync && sudo clr-boot-manager update
      and as sudo suI run this about twice a year as one command, all together:

      > /var/log/wtmp
      > /var/log/btmp
      > /var/log/lastlog
      > /var/log/eopkg.log
      > /var/log/cups/access_log
      > /var/log/cups/error_log

      those 4-5 are it for me. There is a housekeeping thread and I believe that's most it it.
      **Also when I'm realy feeling OCD I throw out all packages for removed programs in /home but that's all search and destroy and you need time.

      4 days later

      I keep a script for running a cleanup. There are probably missing commands that should be in there and some that shouldn't. So far nothing has broken.

      #!/usr/bin/env bash
      echo "Updating package list"
      sudo eopkg up -y
      echo "Cleaning EOPKG cache"
      sudo eopkg delete-cache
      echo "Cleaning EOPKG orphans"
      sudo eopkg remove-orphans
      echo "Cleaning user cache"
      sudo rm -rf /home/*/.cache/*
      echo "Cleaning system journal"
      sudo journalctl --vacuum-time=2d
      echo "Removing temporary files"
      sudo rm -rf /tmp/*
      echo "Remove unused Flatpak entries"
      flatpak update -y && flatpak remove --unused -y
      echo "Cleanup completed! Please close this window."

        BuzzPCSOS echo "Cleaning user cache"
        sudo rm -rf /home//.cache/

        echo "Removing temporary files"
        sudo rm -rf /tmp/*

        recursive removes of /.cache and /tmp? Far out! Never though of that. Fantastic! I have added that. Thanks Buzz

        PS--to anyone. I use RM a lot but what does it do? Move stuff to trash? Or delete/send to fat? Or disappear the data?

        PSS-to @BuzzPCSOS : has the del :/.cache thing ever bit you? bet it clears up GBs the first time. I will find out. edit/format

          sudo rm -rf /home//.cache/

          CURSE YOU FLARUM. No matter how many times I cut an paste Buzz's commands the one that publishes with my post show double slashes and missing asterik. I'll go ahead and say damn you flarum for emphasis:

          No matter how many times I put the right command in, Flarum shows me a BS sham command. I ain't hanging around here to push false info. Agitated beyond words, forgive me.

          brent PSS-to @BuzzPCSOS : has the del :/.cache thing ever bit you?

          Like I said, so far nothing has broken πŸ˜†
          Pretty sure most of these commands were lifted from previous discussions about cleaning on this forum. It is probably the advantage of keeping cheat sheets and a small library of maintenance scripts, whenever I spot something that I like the look of it gets added.
          I also made a script to set up Solus from a fresh install which seems to work. It installs all my favourite programs, sets up Zswap, adds some Flatpaks (new addition - not tested yet), installs and sets up Thermald and TLP. Very useful and saves a ton of time on a new install. Like my cleanup script it is probably not written in the best way but so far nothing has broken πŸ˜‰

          Thank you both for posting these great tips.

          Somewhere along the line I had picked up that running eopkg dc after an update would mean that you couldn't roll back to the previous update.

          But I can't find where I had gotten that from. And, being that the Software Center automatically deletes the temporary package cache, it wouldn't make sense that anyone who uses the SC would lose the option to roll back.

          Could someone confirm that this idea that I got is totally erroneous?

            david I don't know the answer but its a good question. don't know.


            Is the rollback history command dependent on/or needs eopkg's cache?

            david Somewhere along the line I had picked up that running eopkg dc after an update would mean that you couldn't roll back to the previous update.

            Usually not the case, unless you're offline or a necessary package has been completely removed from the repository (and even then I'm not sure if the cache necessarily saves you in the latter case, or the process needs a different workaround anyway)

            Thank you! I appreciate your reply and this info.